

It’s obviously anti-gay remarks. ChrisJans are never going to have an open view on this issue

And now let's go live to Asian correspondent Trisha Takinowa

You can tell about 500 people got bored halfway through and quit voting by the votes

Is Sharts the nickname for JR Smith's brother?

I'm the same way, even started biting my toenails when I got bored with the challenge of my fingers.

You are to beer lists as Marchman is to cereal lists

Berry berry Kix? Waffle Crisp?

I think she was saying "It's that guy, the butter?"

we need brian boitano out there to lay some pipe asap

He said go back to Africa, Niger. Just giving him some direction on where to go once in Africa. Seems reasonable

He said go back to Africa, Niger. Just giving him some direction on where to go once in Africa. Seems reasonable

My favorite DIY repair for my iphone: getting a samsung galaxy

Tom Ley - "Rocket Frog"


Oden's would've punched back and done much more damage

What was the worst name Richie Incognito called you?

I think people are more fixated on the giant cock and fun asian symbols on the bottle. Makes them think they are eating something exotic straight from california