Just to show support, I am going to not wear bugspray and not light my cirtronella candle when I go outside on my aids-free land
Just to show support, I am going to not wear bugspray and not light my cirtronella candle when I go outside on my aids-free land
And you don't think this diamond studded cheetah watch doesn't apply to normal folks like me? You are truly mistaken sir, that beautiful sparkly feline belongs on my wrist.
That is pure joy.
I hope his brother doesnt kill himself and take the easy way out. I'm sure there are some people that want answers and want to see him get raped repeatedly in jail for the rest of his life.
Not to go off topic, but the kid on his dad's shoulders looks like the kid from Hook
Do you think that all things smell worse in a shower? I farted in the shower and it immediately hit my nose with that patented sour decay smell and it got me thinking, do all smells magnify 50 times in the shower? I don't know how to test my theory but I think they probably do.
What is the easiest way to clean the tip of your penis without feeling like knives are opening your pee hole? Baby shampoo?
Guns dont kill people, Guns kill people.
Guns don't kill people, Guns kill people.
At least he has nice hair?
So Hugh Grant didn' get punched? Damn
Indians always trying to get their piece of the pie even when land and casinos aren't involved
Its supposed to be the other way around. I dont think black girls are into thick white men.
Licking a hockey player's face probably compares to licking the netherregions of the ladies on The View
"monty pitches and I catch - the money won't change us!"
I thought you were setting the scene for another former NFLer: An Empty White Castle And Two Bored Children: Former NFLer Lawrence Taylor Has The Best Night Ever.
adiZero would be a good shoe for Lebron and those zero championships he has
adiZero would be a good shoe for Lebron and those zero championships he has
"a mangled dick with serious Indian burn"