
Actually, yes. I’m bit biased because a 2001 Buick Century was my first (well, actually second) car, but when my wife and I attended the LA Auto Show we sat in plenty of vehicles, and Buicks still have that plush-but-not-pretentious feel to them that screams (or gently coos) “road warrior...long, comfy


I know, sometimes it’s hard to open the mind and see beyond the immediate subject, but Ferrari is involved here in a very direct way. Torchinksy is doing his job well in telling this story and fulfilling his moral obligation to the public in being honest and transparent with the facts. Don’t let some orange honkey’s

Damn, you really gave up. At least the bus can shift gears!

Seen ‘em? I’m fucking BLINDED by them.

Or, “the salts of roads take away”

So I wonder how Trailhawk-y you can spec it out with the manual, then? Can the aftermarket make up the difference, or will you always be lamenting some extra off-road inches?

Haven’t they always had issues with those 9-speed transmissions, like in the Cherokee?

It’s almost as if a breakdown like this would have added real substance and depth to this article. Glad you provided.

Once you experience the luxury of the GX you won’t miss the Subie. Coincidentally, that’s on my SUV-want list, too. Hoping to snag one a relative owns when they finally unload it (serial car traders) but their GX is the only vehicle they’ve actually held onto because it’s just been so reliable, comfortable, and

I think that’s part of the charm/luxury: “I have all this... But I will never, and will never have to, use it.” Plus, Starbucks has some high curbs and tight turns.

It’s like “rust” vs. “patina”

I was thinking the same thing. It’s hard to leave a hybrid behind after having one for so long, but an AWD crossover is in the future regardless. Good to know the hybrid already has a bit of extra clearance... Maybe that’s the “sleeper” adventure model. Bigger wheels/tires, rook rack, done.

I think you can answer your own question here.

I would seriously consider this. I’m hooked on Toyota reliability, even though the cars may be a bit dull. And if this one can take you even just a little bit farther, all the better.

Seriously though, FCA in general. The minivan, the muscle car, and the Wrangler seem to be the only thing keeping them afloat.

Agreed, this definitely looks better than last season. Are they always going to stagger The Grand Tour and Top Gear UK like this? An endless feed of auto entertainment... love it.

Meh, this was weak.

Do you really expect an answer? Is this really the place to ask? Could three questions really be the limit of annoyance?

Also, cameras and sensors?