“hick from french lick”
“hick from french lick”
I know how you feel bud! After X years, I’m level 11 or 12, mostly through spurts of casual gaming and little to no effort put into getting trophies. I got my first platinum like 6 months back on a PSN game, Cat Quest.
*shrugs* what can you do! :-P
Great list! Gotta add Hilda to it!
Detroiters 100%
Killer live band!! Also, you spelled their name wrong. :-P
I’m with ya. Iron First S1 is the worst season of a show I’ve ever made it all the way through.
Anything that is pickled.
I disagree with the above on varying degrees of not minding it (meat and fruit) to loving it as my favorite foods (seafood, berries), but I can sort of agree on cake. I’ll have some here and there, if it’s hard to get out of not having any, but I’m generally pretty indifferent…
I’m with ya. 100% entertaining!
Cthulhu Saves The World had a system that I liked. Each dungeon had a certain set number of random encounters, after which point you never met anything, but you could go in the menu and “fight” as much as wanted, for those who like to grind levels.
Between that one and Earthbound, probably my favourite take on the…
Top 10
Most of the highest scores are hacked.
Most games with scores, you can ignore the top X% as it's all bullshit.
Probably worth noting that Bitcasa has gone from $99/year to $999/year. Insane!