Looks exactly like I’d expect an MIB ride for those VIP aliens to look like.
Looks exactly like I’d expect an MIB ride for those VIP aliens to look like.
Entitled poor assholes face off against entitled rich assholes. I wonder how this will end...
My recollection of the 70's (blurry as it is) is that dash caps seemed to crack like this minutes after the warranty expired. Commonly this was 1 year or 2 if you paid extra!
Make me pay taxes then charge me for the services my taxes provide. Seems like a nice double dip...
This is very true. The idea that China only build cheap crap is way off the mark. China can build as a good a quality as anywhere, what they do is build to an end cost. If the goods are premium, they build them premium.
That anyone would have gone to the trouble to photoshop this is even less likely than it actually existing!
Reading the comments here I think a lot of people have no real grasp of just how monumentally huge the output from China is now.
“Now, it’s also worth noting that you can find plenty of videos of FSD driving in what appears to be a very competent manner, with few or no disengagements, and I’m happy to link to a couple of those, if you’d like to see that.”
Odd, with all that naked metal surely this is the esibizionista?
Ok, I know this is stupid, but I like this. In fact I love the “patina” and think I would probably clearcoat the bird shit as well as the paint and trim to preserve it all just as is.
“and Good Clean Fawn”
The problem is in how the Chinese production process works. I have actual experience working with them and this is how it goes.
Actually the big one here is getting battery electric trains, yes that’s right.
Jeez, it’s April 1st already?
What’s the legality of something like this? Is there any precedent for powered trailers?
It’s a big call, however.
The Air 4.
“The seller says that all of the accessories, including the A/C, are working as they should”