Times up, time to leave!

banishing the darkness”

So it’s like the Ring doorbell, on your truck. Uh huh. In-O-vation right there... 

All modifications make a car worse, period.

Kind of a shame no one went with the Sword Fish, could have covered both bases there.

WTF? A pimps car?

Melbourne, for those not familiar is somewhat like San Francisco, a port city full of trendy, arty, hipsters and coffee shops. Give it a day or two and someone will claim this as their art installation.

They are most certainly thylacines, I’ve seen one myself around the Blackwood river near Nannup. Of course it’s important to note you must have had most of a slab of beer on a moonless night to see one.

I guess if you keep your eyes closed until you get in and don’t care about the horrified look on other drivers faces then sure. I’m sure it’s a hoot to drive, until a rod end lets go or whatever this one has dreamed up as your nightmare.

Deja vu?

To me vinyl roofs always look like they’re there to hide something, kinda like an automotive toupee.

A warranty that you can’t get fulfilled is not a warranty. Luckily so far nothing important has fallen out the bottom, keep your fingers crossed... 

Based on their current business model, an Apple car will,

Boy racer Datsun.

Actually I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced [Vay-pour].

I work as a volunteer for State Emergency Service and have been involved in searches for people lost bushwalking or similar. When it goes well we’re all heros, when it goes bad, questions are asked, people want to know why more wasn’t done and so on.

Pretty much this.

Observing what’s been happening in South Australia is illuminating. It’s kind of a smaller scale, relatively isolated community where it’s easier to see what’s going on.

A walk around is a can do activity, riding in one, that’s more problematic...

Your honor, the facts here are simple.

Aussie’s also love oil burners. Diesel is cheaper and available everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. There are lots of tiny outback towns where it’s the only fuel you can buy, it’s often also possible to buy it from larger stations and farms if you get desperate.