Let me add one little extra piece of information.
Let me add one little extra piece of information.
PLEASE: Eye protection if you’re gonna mess with this kind of caustic mini bomb.
“For anyone except a wealthy VW collector (if there is such a thing)“
Firing into the sun seems way too glorious, he’s more the stick him in burlap sack with some rocks and toss him off an anonymous pier type...
It’s fine.
It’s like ever since the 2020's started every day is just, “it can’t get any worse, can it?”
This was my thought on the “all necessary security and safety measures continue to be implemented to guarantee the safety of all visitors to the Formula One.” comment.
Stuck at home, needing something to fill in the time. I guess if you have the cash, and space it beats filling your house up with Star Wars themed Lego models...
Strip it, sink it.
100%, evaporust is the go to for just about every youtube tool restorer.
“It’s like a flock of dollar-eyed sheep being led by a handful of intelligent sociopathic shepherds.”
Still nothing on this? Seriously bad vibes.
Lets hope his trip from Kazakhstan to the airport is uneventful. Of course he still has to get through airport security and given the total disappearing act they did with Brittney Griner that’s certainly no given.
Required skill level.
How about some Irish comedy?
“in order to protest... something.”