Just a thought but have you tested the resistance of the ground lead?
My guess is there is some UK law about under 500 production runs being exempt from crash testing and possibly other compliance exemptions too. That being the case they can knock out 499 of these and make decent quid doing it.
Might want to get up to date lads.
Back of the envelope.
Not really a surprise, the entire VW group has a lot of parts suppliers in Ukraine. There was a story of VW production being impacted right at the outset of the Russian invasion.
C’mon now, surely you regret that?
“Kevin McCarthy has already promised that Greene will appointed to more important tasks after the next election”
I’ve found a banana on a plate works to ripen an avo in about 12 hours. One banana, one avo, on a plate with no covering before you go to bed and it’s perfect by morning.
It’s a 63, there are what, maybe 9 things that need wiring up? Rip all the spaghetti out and start again.
In Aus it’s law that they use the “driveaway” price, this must factor in all costs, taxes, etc, you need to pay to drive one off the floor. Usually you’ll pay less than that, especially if you’ve done done some shopping around.
So he’s holding onto a selfie stick of some kind attached to a Gopro while driving a triple pulse jet go cart with the other hand.
Jeez, don’t we all know that feeling when our Porsche sinks on a burning ship!
That has all the appeal of a cup of chicken fat with a hair in it.
Otto is onto something with the size of the tires. The P50 runs on wheelbarrow wheels, some proper rubber could give it a fighting chance of turning an actual, you know, corner.
Genuinely easy to see how many autobot trolls there actually are.