Yeah but you can design it for scalable text size - a bit like how websites are built for responsive design to scale across phones to computers.
Yeah but you can design it for scalable text size - a bit like how websites are built for responsive design to scale across phones to computers.
As I’ve argued in these parts previously, the DD Taco is the single best fast food item in existence. Taco Bell is making a grave error.
Hydroflask, hands down. I’ve purchased multiple items from this brand because they are durable and have many great features:
- I live in the desert so staying hydrated and keeping my beverages cool is an absolute must. I can leave the hydroflask in my hot car baking in the sun and it will still have ice cubes a full…
Hydroflask, hands down. I’ve purchased multiple items from this brand because they are durable and have many great…
To all game developers out there:
Most of the time, “plot hole” means “I needed something boring explicitly explained to me but it wasn’t and now I don’t understand why people in road trip movies don’t stop for gas on screen all the time.”
I mean, this is something I actually do—but my wife does it with me. We both enjoy tearing apart films for slipshod writing and massive plot holes (we do the same to games and books), but we never subject anyone else to it, because we know how incredibly obnoxious that can be for someone just trying to enjoy a thing.
It actually much more likely that the original designs looked like the ‘fix’ you saw, but were rejected by those in charge for insanely stupid reasons.
I feel like this is the most disappointing part for me. The women characters are my favorites - I didn’t grow up with Iron Man or Thor or Cap the way a lot of people did, so I always felt a bigger connection to the women who were badass enough to keep up or even outdo those guys. I felt like the women were reduced to…
This is why I still haven’t done a second playthrough of Breath of the Wild. I need to let a little more time go by so I can let it fade from memory.
Dualshock 4s are $60-$65. Pro Controllers are $70-$75. Either you’ve got your math WAY off or half doesn’t mean what I thought it does.
TIL 60 dollars is almost half of 70 dollars.
NuDoom was freaking amazing. I love when you enter a area and you hear the guitar start up and then its like a orgy of blood and explosions. ...Now im thinking of buying it again on the switch.
It doesn’t help that there’s also a strong correlation between states that use salt on the roads, and states where it’s too cold to wash your car for most of the winter...
Unique in Dark Souls, not unique TO Dark Souls.
The reason you couldn’t find Kamino is because someone erased it from the Jedi archives.