Use the scraper on the end of the brush to free the blades before turning your car on, and turn your wipers off when you park after any duration of driving. End of story. People do a lot of unnecessary things to avoid common sense solutions.
Use the scraper on the end of the brush to free the blades before turning your car on, and turn your wipers off when you park after any duration of driving. End of story. People do a lot of unnecessary things to avoid common sense solutions.
From a technological perspective, I can understand the need to collect data and recordings to improve the service. But the thing is, in doing so with unwitting consumers, companies are essentially getting free labor. And if there was an opt-in policy, very few consumers would be interested in participating. This could…
Will they be making it easier to understand what all the options for purchase of the game and its expansions are though?
All of Destiny 2, including Shadowkeep, were announced as being included in Stadia Pro. So you need to have the subscription, but at least would not have to buy the game again. Doesn’t solve the issue for anyone who just wants to use Stadia Base whenever that comes though, so your hope still stands there.
I don’t trust people who eat just one poptart. I know they exist, but I refuse to truly accept it.
I don’t trust people who eat just one poptart. I know they exist, but I refuse to truly accept it.
Don’t challenge me. I keep buying bigger SD cards and keep filling them up with an ever-growing backlog. I think I have 11GB left on my 400GB card right now. I started with a 128 a couple years ago, then upgraded to 256 before the 400 the past couple Black Fridays when they each went on sale on Amazon for around $90,…
Don’t challenge me. I keep buying bigger SD cards and keep filling them up with an ever-growing backlog. I think I…
Because a very small portion of the internet pays attention to leaked posters which don’t even give a good look of the character in full. Releasing a full trailer gets a lot more attention from a broader audience that has more sway over such things. It’s surprising enough that they’re making changes; it would be crazy…
I’m waiting for the day that renewable energy power plants provide energy for widespread electric-powered public transportation/mass transit and we can reduce society’s abundant reliance on personally-owned vehicles.
I felt like a lot of it was giving a taste of what’s to come in the MCU. The scenes may not have had much impact in Endgame specifically beyond being a cool moment on screen, but in the near future films we have a lot more substance behind those moments to look forward to. At least that’s my admittedly optimistic…
I have mixed feelings about the idea of an easy mode, but in the end I wholeheartedly agree with the concept that hard means different things to different people, and an easy mode literally has no impact on anyone who doesn’t use it. So much of the argument against an easy mode just comes off sounding like shitty…
I’m seeing a lot of negative reaction in the comments, but this is the first thing that has made me consider an Xbox, so I’m here for advice. But please, don’t try to lecture me on whether the subscription model is good or not.
I just bought a PS4 Pro last week, my first time ever owning a non-Nintendo console. I’ve had my Switch since launch. One of my main interests in games is local multiplayer but many games don’t have split screen anymore. Now I want every game to have cross play so I can have local multiplayer between the PS4 on the TV…
I’m excited for it, but I haven’t kept up with Mario Party over the years to get disillusioned like so many people seem to be. As a “lapsed gamer” (which seems to be a fair amount of Switch owners, at least earlier on) I have fond memories of 1-3 on 64, somehow missed the games on GameCube despite loving that system,…
Still only 4 player is possible in MK8DX. The only game I know of for sure that has 8 player is Super Bomberman R, but there may be others. I don’t have 7 friends to play Bomberman with, but 8 player vs cpu players is pretty hectic and fun.
Surprised so many people seem confused about this. MK8DX on Switch allows for local 4 player on one Switch with any configuration of controllers you want, not limited to single joycon.
For me, that atomic purple is pretty irresistible. I have two pairs of grey joycon because I couldn’t find neon ones early on for four player Mario Kart and Snipperclips. Have since bought a set of yellow, and looking forward to the green/purple Splatoon ones when they’re finally released...but I might just end up…
Yes. This show is great. I found it after watching all of Gravity Falls, and my girlfriend and I love it. Surprised I haven’t seen more talk of it around here!
Shoot the first one down with an arrow (it’s on a rope whereas the other two are on chains) and use stasis on one of the others, makes the spike balls much easier.
Is it a fun game? Is it HD? Does it run smooth? And can I play it in the passenger seat during my 30 hour drive to Colorado in a couple days? Sounds fucking great to me.
I understand how a d-pad works. I understand the preference for standard d-pads. I also understand that a standard d-pad would have made single joy con play many times more awkward if the left joy con had a standard d-pad, so it was ditched to allow for other functionality, without actually limiting the range of…