
But also, why not splatoon, for a week or whatever it has been?

+1 for Social Justice Wario. Is this a meme/internet comic yet? I hate the SJW term/insult but found this funny.

Some of them still have some pretty good drawings. I agree I like those more than just plain text, but I like seeing all the posts of people expressing themselves, it really does make the game feel that much richer to me.

Won’t ANYONE protect the children??!

It’s statements like yours that make people feel the need to express their pride. If you think you’re tired of hearing about people’s pride, other people are even more sick of being negated or washed over by comments like yours. Not really trying to be argumentative here, but do try to see yourself in other people’s

They were talking about Wii U being dead, not Switch.

I also never owned the first game (or a Wii U), only played a demo of it once at Target. But I got it for the Switch and have been totally hooked since the day it came out (I did also play the test fire but missed the cake/ice cream splatfest). Seeing everyone’s drawings/posts and outfits gives the game a lot of

I haven’t done it yet either, I have a few random friends though. I think one person creates a room and sends and invite to others. Communication would be useful via the app or some other service though.

Anyone up for some private matches to truly test all of this? I don’t have enough friends to do this with locally :( We need the data!

I guess that leads to the question of areas like under the bridge in the Reef map, or things like the lowering bridges in the Shipyard. Also, at least some vertical surfaces can in fact be seen from the overhead view. I haven’t searched a ton but haven’t found any concrete source in the searching i have done on

I haven’t seen anything in game that says walls don’t count, and have been willing to accept common knowledge on this, but inking walls does, at least, give you personal points. I guess even if you get personal points for walls, it doesn’t count towards endgame team coverage? Without ever seeing any truly official

Great piece, and this is why I read kotaku and gizmodo every day. We can have multitudes, we can geek out about Pokémon and superheroes and at the same time contribute to the struggles for liberation against oppressive forces. They aren’t mutually exclusive or counter intuitive to one another, but expressions of our

No, it did not start a year ago. Antifa is a left wing anarchist tradition going back decades, along with specific groups like Anti-Racist Action. Been calling spade a spade and meeting fascists in the street while US liberals were more comfortable pretending white supremacists no longer existed. It’s only in the last

How is the underdog getting all the points here in any way at all? The ONLY matches that count are mayo v ketchup, meaning each side has exactly the same number of opportunities as the other in order to make the whole thing not just some pointless polling. If that’s all you care about, why even play the game? Or, how

Conversely, why have popularity factor in at all? Simplify it: pick a side, fight for your chosen side, and whoever has more wins is the victor. One single metric, combining team and solo wins, no popularity, just pure and simple.

Except would you not then just have the sub team intentionally losing? If a ketchup team knew they were repping Mayo, they could throw the match for the sake of the splatfest win.

Also, will I ever get out of the grays? I don’t post a ton and don’t want to be that guy begging to be approved, but i’ve been posting for years and am not a troll I promise!

Just gonna leave these here. Might have lost overall but I had some good wins against Mayo.

My assumption was that match making was based more on ketchup/mayo power ratings than titles. Just as with level numbers, splatfest titles really only mean the person has played a lot, which while that means more experience does not necessarily equate to more skill and is not a great metric for match making. I would

I can see both being true, where Marina is definitely oversexualized, but also maybe Pearl does look a little too much like a creepy nightmare baby, whereas Callie and Marie were a little more balanced.