
Didn’t they have detachable controllers all the way up to 2006? Aside from the Wavebird I don’t really remember any good wireless controllers until the 7th Generation.

I’m sure my Hitmonlee hit many pokemon in the face with his knee before I captured them!

Nah, bodies should be spawn points for Lampent and Yamask.

So anybody have any tips for finding a group during unconventional times? I recently started working 9 PM to 5 AM and have been completly lost on what to do with my nights off.

“Your sister”*

Ramsay Snow’s brother, I think.

Oh, so it’s like John Oliver for conservatives?

Is that Steven Seagal?

The result of that match was decided but it was their abilities as performers that made it entertaining.

Plus they’re playing The Division, isn’t that punishment enough?

I make nowhere near $62k in Denver and I have a 2 bedroom apartment, health insurance, a car, etc. I wish someone told me I’m not supposed to be comfortable, because the $1000 I have left over for entertainment and savings each month used to be comfortable!

They crawl in from above and then can’t crawl out.

The glass is threaded. Get a stepladder, be safe, don’t use a chair. Summon up some courage and press up on the glass and twist to the left. It’ll be full of bugs. It will take a good bit of force.

Virtual Pegging was apparently a dream that died in the 90s. We need to revive this.

It’s probably left over copies of Cory in the House and other DS, Wii, and PS2 gems.

I remember this kid on Xbox Live. He was screaming at the top of his lungs “HOLD STILL! I’M TRYING TO SUCK YOU OFF!” to me. Next thing was a loud slap and some crying “NO mom don’t take the xbox!”

Maybe everyone who worked on R Mika thought it was fine, they released the trailer and other people in the company who hadn’t worked on her said “Hey um... This is gross.”

I don’t mind DLC but seriously... There are worthwhile games coming out seemingly every other week. If I wait for a sale or GOTY/Definitive Edition I’m not exactly sitting here with nothing to play.

You’d probably find this through normal play. You beat the Vicar, go back to the dream to spend your souls and probably notice a messenger on the ground next to the doll. It tells you that the creature in the Cathedral Ward will whisk you away.

I used to swap it around but I stopped caring because re-equipping 6-8 pieces of armor became too annoying. I also broke my addiction to Grape Mentats when I realized I had 20k caps and literally never bought anything. Fun fact: McCready likes it when you use drugs, but dislikes it when you become addicted.