Frankly, I don't even think it's appropriate for any girl under 17 to show cleavage, so I'm with you. As a teacher, I just see too many 14 yr-olds showing off what I think is much much too much.
Frankly, I don't even think it's appropriate for any girl under 17 to show cleavage, so I'm with you. As a teacher, I just see too many 14 yr-olds showing off what I think is much much too much.
Wow, Jez has changed—and for the better. I think it's natural for us to want to evaluate and understand beauty. Hopefully "body snark" is a term of the past here now.
Well, then I haven't forgiven you for not researching, yet commenting about, issues you don't know about personally.
So I was right all along: Finders keepers!
So conflicted over their asking us to prefer one over the other. Straight woman in her 40's here, but given the opportunity (and a time machine, because they're soooooo young) I'd do 'em both.
I know of him because he was featured on an episode of the comparatively erudite reality show Shark Tank. Just say that you know of him from that.
Well, it's not like they take them to Target. They have access to the best clothing in the world. From watching Beverly Hills Housewives (yes, yes I do) they have people bring over racks of clothing and they choose from that. So, if you had to choose your clothes, even when small, if your choices were varied, but of…
I agree that she is extra loads of stupid for those comments, but I stand by the fact that your idea of the way things are at 20 is rarely the way you'll feel with more life experience. Also, she is a young model and they must definitely have some unusual experiences which would serve to formulate a skewed vision of…
Free is 20, as another commenter stated. Thank gods I was not famous at 20 (or now at twice that age.)
The cheese does not stand alone.
I read once that Lady Gaga's friend just call her Stephanie—-her given name. It was some interviewer asking about what her boyfriend calls her and she said that anything other than Stephanie would be weird. I just recall that, because it made her seem human for once.
The phrase "sit on [x's] face" should be used never—-not by anyone with any intellect or imagination, that is. True story.
That's awfully generous of you. I am thinking more like she didn't want to admit that it's something like "O Great One, O Lord Prince of All that is Good and Valuable."
I am aware of that, but I still think the names are weird to use in a casual frame.
Why not one for the kids? Because they are not public figures who depend on their appearance to obtain work. They are children who require time to figure out who they are. I sincerely hope that I am right in assuming that they might help their kids "find" themselves by allowing them to purchase whatever they want for…
People tend to become much more conservative after they have kids. I don't get it completely, but I understand how they would be focused on their child's future and concerned with how their own choices affect that. So, don't count on everything falling away. Btw, you spell allowed as aloud several times. Allowed =…
My mother always wanted me to be pretty feminine and complained constantly when I switched to black during my teen years.
I highly doubt that, if only because it doesn't fit in with my notion of who they are with all their charitable work etc. I could see Tom Cruise or the Smiths getting their kids a stylist, but not Angelina. Oh, and Jlo and Maria Carey would totally do it and likely already have.
Well, good job then. Hopefully you will remember to do that with all aspects of his life so that he is always free to be whoever he chooses (except if he wants to be a drug addict. Or an asshole. Don't let him be an asshole.)