
I cannot decipher whether this worked out to be a good or a bad thing.

Most times I have seen her, she is much older than 17, but if you look at her face closely in the article's video and imagine it entirely makeup-free, as I did this time, you can see, just vaguely, a whisper of the seventeen hidden beneath it all. Let's all take a Lohan-esque moment and weep.

That was one of my favorite episodes because of Joey's insistence and Rachel imagining the cat was hissing her name. Also, funny comment. Thanks for the laugh.

I have known since my 20's that I did not want to give birth. I hoped to adopt someday, though. I am 40 now and have not changed my mind one iota about childbirth, despite all of my friends who have done it and a mother who just doesn't understand how it is possible not to want to do it. I still hope to adopt someday

Obviously there is a comparison to be made, but just as every gangster movie circles back to The Godfather, the is room for a Goodfellas and a Casino and all the others. I think that Boiler Room stands on its own despite many similarities (father/son issues, deceit in big business, and, of course, the great fall from

I really loved that movie for so many reasons. It was before Vin Diesel became a star and was a pretty decent actor. Ron Rifkin is always fantastically authentic. Too bad about Ribisi and the Scientology, though.

You are SO wrong about that!!! 17. They are emotionally stunted at 17.

If you build it, Kim K will come.

Dina claimed to be a rockette, but records showed no proof of this "fact." I hate that I know this.

She was just on an episode of Louis CK's show playing his love interest. She looks so grown up (primarily because I guess she is now.)

"...that will primarily effect..."

I thought one of her essays about drugs was interesting once, but now that I've seen and heard her gum-smacking self, I believe she'd serve society better from a sound-proof closet.

Me too. And she may well have been.

I know it's not Janice, because she's already taken.

Am I the only one that thought this article was going to be about someone freaking out over a bad haircut at "Supercuts?" Yes? Oh.

I have always thought The Secret Garden was The Joy of Sex.

It's odd—she did not seem so uppity back when I met her at a book signing about twelve years ago where she was sweet, almost demure even, and seemed genuinely surprised that I liked her book "Bitch."

She is inserting herself and some drama where it is unnecessary and does not belong. That's how. Don't we all know a woman or two like that? I think I was even once or twice like that when I was younger just to get attention every once in awhile. Only she has a national stage to do it with.

I don't think that would work—to only have one day a year. I would look forward to that special day all year long. There would be a national countdown. People would fly in from all over to gawk and/or participate. Hallmark would create a Happy Breasts-Out Day line. Men would take a sick day. Productivity would decline

I know! Didn't we just go through all this with Travolta and the New York vs. LA where-was-he massages?