
Logan, Utah Idaho? what state is utah idaho?

been that way for a while actually. im still on a gs3. ive fucked around with the gs7 and while its for sure nicer, it doesnt really do anything more than my gs3 (that ill reasonably use). They all, text, call, gram, and porn, so its a matter of what package you want it in.

dude, i live in utah and i have to argue this point all the time. the mormons have a large influence here, and all the time during legislative sessions people freak out about that influence and the “separation of church and state.”..... now reguardless of my feelings about the mormons and utah, those folks use that

Mostly a provo thing but sure.

that cruz is ugly as shit. the old ones were way cooler.

idk but something interesting going on with the wing here

down is the worst. i knw my xj can climb trees. getting down though.....

i agree with you for sure! but as a boot who needs a paycheck you say no way man im not doing that, then you say goodbye to that money that puts your dumb kid in college who then “occupies” the sidewalk haha.

ideally you just let the kids sit for a few days and go home but someone made a call so the officers have to respond.

Im not calling the shots in any scenario. weather or not they are actually blocking something is irrelevant. you get told to move these kids and thats your job to do. im just saying a lot of time things are out of your hands and you have to do the job. now OC spraying them is probably not the best course of action at

because you got ordered too. im not defending him, im just saying its not as black and white as people like it to be. youre officer joe schmo you need to pay bills and support your family, the Sgt says these people have to move, so what do you do?

this gif is incredible. bravo.

perfect world sure but thats not how it works. they have to move and how do you make them? its your job to move them, what do you do? i say fire hose but thats just me.

Yeah but then you run the risk of assault charges because you “put your hands on someone”. i dont have a better option honestly but i feel for cops SOMETIMES when its like “officer smith you need to move these college kids away from the area, they are impeding daily function. they are not being violent, they are just

even then its still too much when you have very solid options under 400

i agree. so many good options for around 300. and yes im talking off contract. are they top of the line? no. but will 99 percent of people notice or care. no.

man she had no fucking clue how to handle that thing.

oh my god dude..... atm/online limits fuck me over all the time. i dont have a lot of money so normally its fine but if i try to book a vacation or car or make a big purchase i cant. its such a pain in the ass.

im an idiot. heres the info i wanted. my bad.

ok man im interested in the bastard pack install. i wasnt able to get my xj done for moab, but this summer i have some things i want to tackle. i need to redo my steering linkage which will cost me a few hundo. but this bastard pack sound like the ticket for my saggy ass. id love love more info on the install with