Horizontally, you’re looking at probably at least 30", if not 32" or 33", from the trans to the crank pulley, and vertically, definitely 18" from the oil pan to the valve cover.
Horizontally, you’re looking at probably at least 30", if not 32" or 33", from the trans to the crank pulley, and vertically, definitely 18" from the oil pan to the valve cover.
Also affectionately known as a Jizz and Jet.
No, a Jeep XJ will not fit in an ‘84 Toyota Pickup.
at the Kum and Go
Wtf has happened to Jalopnik? Guy “mods” his car by making the factory bypass valve stay open to have the stock exhaust a bit louder and people are complaining that it’s not fair to the general public? Gimme a break people.
Too much front brake bias would lock front wheels first, not lift the rear tires off the ground. Any racer can tell you that. This is a weight distribution problem only.
I wish I had an army, so I could also meme with extreme prejudice.
That’s not even fair.
THIS WAS SO MUCH EASIER when you could just check your rearview for the distinctive Crown Vic headlights.
“This fuckin’ guy!” - Barrack Obama, probably.
It’s an over styled Subaru with a Honda badge. It’s not a good look.
What professional would show up to the office in something this ridiculous?
It’s hideous. Sorry. Too much going on and insanely boy-racer.
But I wouldn’t have bothered to watch a video of a dune buggy driving on dunes.
No, we really really don’t. The vast majority don’t give a crap one way or the other (I certainly don’t). That said, there is unfortunately a vocal minority on both sides of this issue (see said looters above) and the whole thing goes to shit. This BLM thing ticks me off mostly becuase these “peaceful” protests keep…
Shit ain’t going over any ledge, if perhaps it was an amazing turn out of people somehow being utterly peaceful, and showing that they understand solidarity, maybe...., but no, too much looting, and violence, most the country is not behind this, and cannot ignore that.
Another note: Univision really should consider resurrecting Gawker, even if under another name.
Yeah but even a beat up 458 will be more fun than a Civic. The good thing about the rental is that you can just laugh at the check engine light and just do burnouts until you have to give it back.
Why buy a question mark when you can just skip punctuation for free?