i pointed out laugh tracks to my wife. she no longer watches network sitcoms haha.
i pointed out laugh tracks to my wife. she no longer watches network sitcoms haha.
better than 380 and for sure better than nothing haha. at least you carry, thats the important thing.
you had me until 40...... haha im just messing. you beat me too it.
I know that facts are hard. Individual sales not needing a background check dont apply to class 3 items. SBRs and Suppressors are subject to way way way more rules. I live in utah and i can buy and sell firearms without background checks privately....... Unless i wanted to sell/buy a 12 inch barreled ar15, then its a…
I know you dont care about accuracy but its a .380 not a .308. a .308 would be fucking massive for a pistol.
youre not alone
that is a very small sub
i thought i was alone. the last half of that movie dives fast just to push the stupid marvel avengers crap. i loved Cap and the old timey nazi bad guy stuff.
seriously into the chiappa rhino on harleys tat.
i say “i want my boird” all the time and no one gets it.
fuck lost.
i love phantom. yall can get fucked.
im just fucking with you but you get my point. my glock 17 has never failed but it could and at that time id need to clear the malfunction quickly to get back to work. that is doable, but with an electronic thing...... no so easy. i just dont ever see this “safe gun” crap being a legitimate option for those who…
Glock life.
as a firearm owner and carrier im not going to even consider this until its utterly 100 percent reliable and cannot fail. If im on duty (im not a cop, just an example) doing a traffic stop and am fired upon, i have NO time to fuck with electronics on my pistol. i need to draw and fire. guns can fail as is, adding an…
Im sorry man. im not a pet guy but my wife brought kitty home last year, and ive grown quite fond of him. itd suck to loose him. sorry Rich.
holy shit that first video got me going. haha its the head tingles like crazy
i hate watched the first 2 and probably will with this one as well.
exactly. its a cool concept, but in reality a 0-4 scope is better. its easier, less “stuff” to fiddle with. not to mention if youre a SWAT officer your chance of needing to take a shot requiring magnification is slim. a basic dot should do the trick in 99.9999999 percent of engagements.
fucking bravo hahaha