
exactly. its a cool concept, but in reality a 0-4 scope is better. its easier, less “stuff” to fiddle with. not to mention if youre a SWAT officer your chance of needing to take a shot requiring magnification is slim. a basic dot should do the trick in 99.9999999 percent of engagements.

fucking bravo hahaha

not to mention his setup is in IR laser/light and he has no nods, hes got an airsoft AFG on there, and flip in magnifier? really? this isnt cod bruh.

yeah that is a lot of shit. light for sure, thats almost mandatory. optic, really really helps, not a scope, not “bigger” just a good red dot is great for the intended use. but the stupid AFG on there, and the IR laser light is just taking up space. why does he have IR shit? he doesnt have nods. granted im not an

god thats an abrupt end to a child hood hero of mine:(

my buddy had a tc in high school, i fucking loved that car. it was like our groups car, anyone could take it at anytime..... so many good memories of handjobs in the back seat. highschool is wierd.

listening to hey momma i just got so god damn depressed at how awesome his music use to be :(

i got a rose jersey this year. i also was in better shape than ever so i felt confident enough to wear it.

ive been battling injury and when i go heavy i go into a smith machine without a cable attached. stabilizes it a bit better for me, until im all healed up. so there are reasons for it.

man i almost forgot about bay area rap haha. E-40 was the shit man

oh my god thank you. im decently right wing but come the fuck on facebook feed, reverse the roles and wed have done the same god damn thing. we were somewhere we shouldnt have been, we didnt want to fight it out so we put our hands up (common fucking sense) they took us in asked us some q’s and let us go. jesus christ

haha insta is blowing up with dude rockin this look today. its pretty funny

probably because it was pretty legit, even us chairborne seals cant complain. id say these bad asses did a damn good job.

well this sounds classy af, i would love to hear details.

so hes got all these quals and yet he had never heard of JSOC? i watched the whole thing and im not denying he made some interesting points at times, but come on man......he treats it like hes investigating some secret unknown cia black site group. hes talking about jsoc, a pretty well known group like its vodemorts

so i watched this (im bored). so this dick head knows nothing of jsoc and is investigating it like its new territory? and im supposed to trust him? naw bro.

why in gods name cant the army just go to the 19? just fucking do it. we all know its the best choice, just do it. sack up make the choice, do it.

Im super stoked to see this along side my terrible XJ that the wheels could fall off of any day now. #moaborbust

If he hadnt gassed it out he would have been fine

ive had that happen to me, its fucking terrifying.