came for 3wheeler horror stories, am not disappointed.
came for 3wheeler horror stories, am not disappointed.
Im planning on picking one up on the cheap now haha.
um duh.
yes im well aware your comment is 2 weeks old but #internet. Your so correct, they absolutely wasted Waltz. i was so fucking bummed out. they could have put anyone in that role for what they did. but they did that with him? ugh. not to mention i watch Inglorious shortly after and holy crap, Waltz is amazing. in…
The M1. yes i know its Lamborghini history and that’s got a lot to do with it. Yeah its rwd but its a mid engine sports car! BMW is class, elegance, German engineering, its a business car, its driven by mid level corporate types........But man doesn’t the M1 evoke a 1980s miami cocaine vibe? Definately not what i…
the p90 would make way more sense given the mission. i was basing it off the g36 simply because of the photo. all that aside. 5000 rounds is fucking bananas to take a house and a few dudes. Im by no means trying to armchair quarter back, because whatever it takes to get the job done i am for it. As a dude who shoots…
si senior. i believe thats the gign weapon of choice.
so i did the math, and depending on how many guys they had, i estimated maybe 20? which is a lot of dudes so it may be even more crazy..... but with 20 guys and 5000 rounds that means every dude went through 8 30 round g36 mags. my rig holds 6 mags plus one in my rifle, and thats on the heavy loadout side.......…
so i did the math, and depending on how many guys they had, i estimated maybe 20? which is a lot..... but with 20 guys and 5000 rounds that means every dude went through 8 30 round g36 mags. my rig holds 6 mags plus one in my rifle, and thats on the heavy loadout side....... these dudes were not fucking around.
needs way more fucking stars.
possibly... either way, damn sweet rig
i think i follow you on instagram, haha i remember you selling it. i could be wrong though.