
Might i suggest the Range with meaty tires for your rich ass? If youre going to be the rich snow guy, get an suv like a normal rich ass snow guy.

That looks like a great and old project. Mines a 95 xj, and this article made me feel better knowing it could be way more overwhelming haha. at least mine still runs as a daily driver

dude i feel the same on my xj. 1500 bucks from a dude cash, random repairs here and there, some upgrades. im under 3 grand still and i have a great adventure rig.

Can someone explain why this is impressive? im not saying its not. i just dont understand the mechanics of it enough to appreciate it, and id like to!

That is some cool guy shit. they certainly earn doing bad ass stuff

Id love to get in and do some 3 gun stuff. its a pricey endeavor haha

I dont mind a gun photo, like ya know if your at the range or hunting or whatever, but da fuck it this shit?

beat me to it. that kind of gun stuff drives me up the fucking wall. Im a sport shooter, and have lots of time on the trigger, i can handle "clip" and other ignorant stuff, but fingers on triggers when you aren't actually shooting drives me nuts.

Oh man! i had one of these in gold, v6. that thing actually was a fun car. surprisingly quick. such a sleeper, i loved racing it in highschool against civics and crap that were all modded out.

utah. infinity subis

i like the old square headlights. but thats just a personal taste.

such as? i am genuinely curious. i dont have much of a background on that conflict. id love to hear your thoughts on it.

this game was the shit. nfsu2 was my favorite game of all time.

This stuff scares the royal fuck out of me. especially since i own firearms.

Shut the fuck up carl.

im sure you got some good answers but idk if you heard this one. Especially for close quarters fighting, (swat team entry guys) a revolver can be a good option. With a normal semi auto when you are close in, the gun could be grab preventing it from cycling a 2nd round, and it could even be pushed out of battery if

Revolvers, cuz i got no time to fuck with malfunctions. and also we can all agree that how they took down that building was kinda botched right? i mean they go the guy but 50 guys on opposite sides of the door and whatever the hell cluster fuck kind of stack that was......

hahahaha yes

haha that trimming is key to let those 40s flex. ill be putting 33's on and keeping it at a 2 inch lift lots of trimming!! im with you though, i dont get these big honking motor homes with mud tires marketed as "expedition" or bug out vehicles. i mean hell yeah road trips for days! but to really get anywhere worth

i feel the same way whenever i see most lifted trucks. Ive got a 95 xj with 31's. its actually pretty little size wise, not really impressive to look at, but god damn there is no where it cant go.