John mayer is my fucking hero. i know he is like the quintessential douche guy music or whatever, but he seriously slays it. and he actually can play that guitar too.
John mayer is my fucking hero. i know he is like the quintessential douche guy music or whatever, but he seriously slays it. and he actually can play that guitar too.
sure if that was the actually exhaust tip it would look cool! but its not, its a faux tip you can see the actual tip inside that odd shaped one. it just ruins it.
Im emailing the dealership as we speak haha, the 883 was going to be my Christmas present. The ducati looks way more flexible especially considering my street style vs outdoor hobbies. Im so excited! this thing looks fun as hell!
so uh, yeah i want one. its perfect for me! looks good on the street but can still handle a little trail action. good for commuting, saving some gas. and my lady will love it too! i had no idea about this bike and ive been looking to go get an 883. i think this will be a better option!
any body know how a yacht fairs on the open ocean? i see these things docked all the time but ive got no real idea how they get there.
As a product of young divorce. (married at 19, divorced at 22) this was a good read that i could appreciate.
follower of the cult of the xj
you dont see beefed up grands because imo people that want to beef up a jeep buy the xj.
beat me to it. i love mine.
Lifted Jeep XJ Cherokee. i got mine for like 1500 and its a small tank. this one is a bit more expensive at 6300 but is much newer and has more as far as mods go. Jeeps XJ is hands down the best 4x4 vehicle you can get for the money. 4.0 straight 6 engine, bullet proof tranny. this thing will get you anywhere you…
this is the most kickass thing ive seen this week. Hell yeah America.
my brother has one, we went out last weekend testing it against my xj build, damn man, for a luxury suv, that grand cherokee does some good work
im always impressed that a 100k dollar car can offroad almost as well as my xj.
backpack, goruck gr1, imho the greatest ruck money can buy.
she is just nuts. i have no other words
i love mine.
i love mine.
i call it the Asian Cherokee. And i picked up and XJ for 1500 cash a few months back. i dont know that ill ever own any other suv. it is hands down the best suv for legit offroading and for a dd.
i meet you down there and we see if ya'll can keep up with my xj.
i wish they would let the public buy these, haha id love to convert one into a bad ass camper.