Rusty Vandura -

Being a white middle aged male...I know.

Clearly, you are a winner also.

He’s not, other than perhaps by conflating “smart” and “educated”. There really was a tendency (not that long ago; I’m 50 and it was still there when I was growing up) for the working class to think education was a sucker’s game because they could make just as much if not more without it. It wasn’t until the 1980s

As Grandpa Simspon said, “The metric system is the tool of the Devil--my car gets 40 rods to the hogshead, and that’s the way I likes it!”

I doubt ‘logical consistency’ is something they can even spell.

Or that the shipper would report that the package was opened and contents removed???

The biggest whopper went unnoticed - that the USPS scoured the pits of hell to find a lost package just because someone asked them to.

basically, less power than you get from any 4-cylinder today, without having to wait for 2500 rpm to get going.

The only tokin the one above is in Turkey, which with vest, helmet, and cranes is probably safer to work. still messy dangerous work.

Part something like this out

A sage comment, indeed.

The right wing audience isn’t going anywhere. Every far right Republican on Twitter has talked a big game about taking their ball and going to Gab and Parler and ... they’re still there, on Twitter.

Facebook being terrified of losing a bunch of shitty people’s traffic, when said shitty people, by and large, can barely

So that really is a gold digger.

Meh, no idea.  I’m grey sometimes and sometimes I’m not.  I usually say things that challenge what people are thinking (although never in an insulting way), but some people really don’t like that.

1) Just because Trump has abused executive orders more than Obama doesn’t mean Obama didn’t abuse them. They both did/are.

As do you, whose language demonstrates a vast intellectual capacity.

You need to turn that frown upside down.

It is ignorance when you are unwilling to debate these ideas with those who disagree with you. You accept only dogmatic adherence to a single set of beliefs.

There is a clutch but you only use it to go into first from neutral I believe. Every shift from there onward is a simple paddle pull

I think i can just barely hear it shift into top gear at 7:44?Yes it seems those top two ratios are extremely close.From the little i know it’s not uncommon to setup a race gearbox this way.
The thinking goes something like this; The race rules will allow a maximum number of gears.Once first gear is chosen, the