
Baby boomers are deeply, deeeeeeply fucked up.

And it’s awesome. Fight or Flight!

Nah, these days the hillbillies are the ones growing it. It’s the Evangelicals and law and order conservatives that still want to use it as a tool against minorities.

Wrong. All of these “good cops” are surrounded by criminals in their ranks but they never arrest them. That is conspiracy and the definition of corruption.

It was my uncle, and mom, and dad... Sigh.

He only got hired because Epstein thought “UFC” stood for something else. 

Somebody's white uncle would like you to know it was Hillary, sir.

hey look everyone it’s a dumbass

Thanks, that’s super relevant here. This input is exceptional, especially since I made a statement about Deadspin, and am clearly an avid reader/commenter regarding the Deadspin environ.

Fuck boomers, they’re singlehandedly responsible for the mass exodus of “Made in America” and then in their senile, milkshake and bagel dementia turn around and cry about how manufacturing left the US. Fucking cancers. The faster boomers die the better. Fuck those shitstains

I tend to think Fashion Nugget is their best, but Comfort Eagle is a amazing no. 2.

God-damned right, Cake.

This whole album is gold 

Now playing

I love this , but I love Meanwhile , Rick James’ more.

i am a huge cake fan and think this entire album is one of their best. the songs all have a solid, quick pace to is easy to just jam out to.

Folksy wisdom. Always better than data.

Hey guys, look! I found the worst take!

looking back, it all fell apart when i missed the ”h”

Kudos on that headline btw