Woah! That move came out of...
Woah! That move came out of...
Came here to post this.
Nor-dicked, even.
“Heaven help us if one of the conditions is to pee in a bottle.”
An entire team wearing number 11.
I like the aviation tie-in there with Nellis.
Wyh this now, Dwyane?
Actually, that methodology is only used for calls involving Bryson Rochambeau.
The “Chokehold” comment and Lang defending the cops in the King beating were two moments that stopped me cold. Like these guys are incapable of any growth.
“Exactly as I planned it.”
On the bright side, the in arena audio soundtrack is going to be amazing:
The outdoor rink sequence at the beginning contains the line “We got Albert” which is a callback to the iconic Canadian Tire commercial.
For unjustified bragging and solid early 1990's styles, I have to go with The Leafs are the Best (10 minute extended play version):
Yeah, that’s what you did.
Bomani Jones.
Add all the Canadian teams to your away fans list. Canadian fans who can’t get into their own building will make the trip to see their team during a Vegas vacation.
“All-to-common”. This guy ain’t all that bright, is he?
* Limited time offer.
Early 90s, went to visit a friend attending college about an hour’s drive from where I was. We went out to this dance club/bar I had never been to before. Eventually, had to go to the men’s room and went to walk down this dark, narrow hallway, where I guessed they were,