Next on her to-do list should be finding better representatives who won’t walk her directly off a cliff like this in the future.
Next on her to-do list should be finding better representatives who won’t walk her directly off a cliff like this in the future.
This is very clever satire. I like it. Keep it up!
Thank you. The PGA of America doesn’t really have much to do at all with the Masters.
Last time Bauer saw something circling around with such great frequency he almost lost a finger.
He went to Richview Collegiate, but that might not be enough reason for non-Etobians to dislike him.
This is especially effective as a troll job because of who wrote it.
Good theory.
SafeSport suspended its investigation after Coughin’s death
At the very least, it exorcises the ghost of Carter.
Big win for the Erth Boys!
Can confirm that this was certainly the process I was familiar with (30 plus years ago when I worked the grill in a McDonalds in Canada).
The Raptors of Theseus.
I’m not sure what the Whitecaps strategy is here. At this point, only complete transparency and sincerity will satisfy, yet they keep thinking they can do this in baby steps.
We got us a regular John Kenneth Galbraith in here!
I mean, Toronto lost on penalties, so if they “weren’t good enough to win”, the margin was very slim.
Amateur. He should have waited and then bought the weed filled can of iced tea after security.