Rusty Patti

That’s because those women were actually athletes! I loved that part, too. The actresses in the film had to spend a month in baseball training camp to look even remotely capable once the cameras were rolling. It’s not easy to teach someone who has barely, if ever, played any particular sport how to look functional.



Baseball fans?

The best part of “A League of Our Own” was watching the outtakes at the end, when the real old lady players still had more baseball chops than the Hollywood actresses they found to play them.

Except Sanders numbers are artificially high as he hasn’t been attacked by either the Republicans or Hillary. Polls this far out are essentially meaningless.


It’s a pretty big jump from “some Bernie supporters are sexist bros” to “there are literally no feminist/female Bernie supporters.” Of course the latter is not true, but the campaign has had some undeniable gender issues and I don’t see the point in ignoring that.

SHHH! The opinion polls show he will totes beat Trump more than she’ll beat Trump, and between that and the results of a bunch of small state caucuses and the last few contests where Clinton hasn’t spent any money against Sanders, they should totally ignore the will of the voters!

Oh. sorry had my BernieLogic chip

Bernie voters = college students who want their grade changed because they didn’t read the syllabus, or because they thought they did better, or they worked really hard and deserved a better grade, or because their GPA is important, dammit, and how dare you screw this up?

She currently leads Sanders by just over 3 million votes (not counting Oregon and Kentucky, which vote today) according to Real Clear Politics. For reference’s sake, Obama beat Hillary by about 41,000 votes in 2008 if you don’t include Michigan. But what really matters is if you feel as if your side has more votes.

And for what it’s worth, I think Bernie and his followers are being grossly naïve about their ability to impact national policy, particularly when state and local houses are awash with red that will expertly shred his progressive agenda one bite at a time (and the progressives will stay home in 2018 like they always

This isn’t the first time Bernie supporters have acted like this and Bernie condoned it. Take a look at Hillary’s rally in Calif where Hillary supporters had to exit through a “wall of hate” and signs were yanked out of kids hands. They make Trump supporters look sane. It will get worse.

I like a lot of Bernie’s policy ideas. I wholeheartedly agree that the DNC does some shady shit. Here’s the thing tho:

But they weren’t wrong. It was a bunch of people who didn’t bother to learn the rules and therefore thought they were getting screwed.

“The vicious response has come as millions of new voters, many of whom felt excluded by establishment politicians, have flocked to the insurgent campaigns of Mr. Sanders and Mr. Trump.”

Berniebros are just Trump supporters that don’t hate minorities, they still hate women though

This is the kind of behavior I expect from Trump followers. Also, if I hear ‘establishment’ one more time I’m going to lose my fucking mind.

Want to know what’s really undemocratic? Caucuses. If BSers actually cared about the democratic process they would be protesting the caucus system, not the archaic rules within. Just scrap that whole system and go to primaries.