Rusty Patti

The police ARE children. Maladjusted, improperly socialized children. With guns.

Doesn’t matter. They give out a Nobel for economics every year. There are lots of Nobel-winning economists, but he specifically told her to go ask the one that is her husband. There is a whole long history of women not being allowed to do anything without the permission of their husbands. THAT is why this is a deeply

This is how it's done. And Ralph? STFU - you are no longer relevant. YOUR former bid for attention put us smack dab IN this mess.

What a wonderful way to start married life. Generous hearts and balanced priorities. Couples have survived with less? I wish them all the happiness in the world. They’re responsible for some of it.

What lovely people. I also remember a news story from a few weeks back where a couple invited in a bunch of Syrian refugees to their wedding reception and fed them along with their guests so they could have a nice evening. Even in times of fear, hate and xenophobia, we still have examples of straight up kindness and

When something like this comes up I’ll ask the question in three different ways:

Je suis J Law!

I hope you remembered your towel

I used to read this when my parents forced me to go to church, knowing I was an atheist. Bonus: it looks like a bible!

Let the woman have her quiet protest of reading. If she not actively trying to hurt people, let it go.

Johari, girl, you my hero.

It’s so odd how when it is citizens who are being observed, questioned, and surveiled, it’s “If you aren’t doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about!” And then when it’s the police being subject to the very same behavior, it’s suddenly a privacy violation and inhibits their ability to do their jobs.

enlarged pee-spattered Sno-Cone and presidential candidate

But you get the prize for biggest asshole of the night.

Dolly is a national treasure. Great choice, Hill!

A bunch of gays in NYC told me it’s ok. As, y’know, they headed over to the new location over by Macy’s. So you’re good.

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

“Here is the message: It is factually true that women have been hit very hard by progressive policies.”