Please use it! This word definitely needs to be made a thing. Schadenfreude is an excellent word, but in my experience fremdschamen is a much more common occurrence.
Please use it! This word definitely needs to be made a thing. Schadenfreude is an excellent word, but in my experience fremdschamen is a much more common occurrence.
Sooooooo...she’s complaining the clerks were “coerced” into following the law because if they didn’t, they might go to jail...
Guys don’t deserve cookies for every feminist thing they do, but if he did that, I think he deserves at least half a cookie, or a cracker or something.
“It’s 11:30. To be perfectly honest with you, I don’t want to be here. I just want to be in bed right now and I have to wake up early to practice and I don’t want to answer any of these questions. And you keep asking me the same questions. It’s not really ... you’re not making it super enjoyable.”
Serena Williams is a tall, black, proud woman who has been dominant in her sport for so long that other people’s careers have risen from and fallen back to nothing while she has stayed consistently on top, only occasionally matched and then only by her own sister. I’ll give you 3 guesses as to which one of those…
He wouldn’t ask a man the same question. That’s the problem.
She’s not acting like a nice product. Be nicer, product! Shows of humanity will be deducted from your final score.
I’m young (mid-2o’s) but I’m still absolutely amazed at how much things have changed from when I was their age. I went to a super liberal art school in NYC and even there no girl would express these kinds of thoughts for fear of being a “feminazi.” Crazy.
Part of my brain is horribly depressed by the judges and the other part is just fucking ecstatic that there are young girls out there thinking this way. Rock on, girls! In all the ways.
Holy shit. That response was spot on, professional, strong. Those girls kick ass.
Scroll down, the ingredients are typed out. An inch below that are 2 buttons ... one for a pdf and one to View All Steps. :)
now if there were only a way to let JK Rowling know that you know her universe better than she does
I’ve had an incredibly shitty day at work and this is exactly what I needed.
That made me wince and I don’t even have a dick.
It’s misogynistic based on the blatant fact that they are sexualizing her and making assumptions about her based solely on appearances.
All I'm gonna say...
I love sports. I really do. But I am sick to death of entitled, aggressive athletes. As a woman who loves sports, the culture makes me rage-y. I just want to enjoy some sports action where the participants aren’t raping, beating, and murdering people.
This so much! Climate change, vaccination, gun name it. But noooo we have to tiptoe around the oh-so-fragile egos of conservative extremists instead.
If we can get a large enough group of us, and a stockpile of beans there’s always flatulence. From one asshole to another. Literally.