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    I am right there with you... Family gatherings are a pain when you are the only one that does not speak Spanish.

    screen shots are a thing. recording is even better.

    Warmongering is not progressive. Doing coups is not progressive. Supporting corporate interest that go against the public interest is not progressive.

    Forget the fact that he is from a swing state. No presidential candidate has ever done that before.

    I would like to take the time to “ROFL” at all the clinton supporters weeping over the clinton/warren ticket they “knew” was going to happen.

    But we would be out a few bucks.

    fixed. =/

    fixed. =/

    Driving and having sex or recieving oral sex

    can we talk about the epidemic that is extremely low weight Pokemon that you get from evolving.

    they should buy all of those and rotate them in the loading screens.

    It sucked when this happened to me. Had a snorlax on the map, but all the icons had 3 steps. no matter were I walked it stayed the same. I eventually gave up. Also happened once for Jinx but meh.

    Use a lure at a pokestop or incense. They are fairly common if you do it around water. I have gotten 350 candies in 3 days.

    55% of his supporters say they will never vote hillary

    You are wrong. most Bernie supporters that are bernie or bust hate Trump just as much. We are write in or Dr. Jill Stein.

    lol... 33mb a day...


    What Level is every one at? I just hit level 4

    After hours of reloading the app 2 days ago, I was finally able to register with google. The game loaded in, and would freeze on occasion. I just close and reload the game until I get it up. after the first load it goes smoother. On occasion get the spinning loading ball. Same thing. I close the program and relaunch

    Fair enough.

    When he says it, as a proud progressive democrat, I will be voting for Dr. Jill Stein.