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    1 c of Greek yogurt

    Correction... this is what us millennials refer to as a douche bag.  

    What do I feel you are trying to catfish me...

    Its like the people that think that you don’t have to change the oil in electric cars... *slams face against the wall*

    I hate to say this... but that guy is a moron.

    Springs are still better ;)

    Springs are still better ;)

    This is a good shaver. People will complain that this will not give you a super close shave, but it is not intended for that. It even states that on the packaging “OneBlade is not too close, so your skin stays comfortable. Go against the grain and shave off any length of hair with comfort.”

    This is a good shaver. People will complain that this will not give you a super close shave, but it is not intended

    This is a good shaver. People will complain that this will not give you a super close shave, but it is not intended for that. It even states that on the packaging “OneBlade is not too close, so your skin stays comfortable. Go against the grain and shave off any length of hair with comfort.”

    This is a good shaver. People will complain that this will not give you a super close shave, but it is not intended

    It is your guys own fucking fault. We could have had Bernie right now... so fuck you too.

    Fuck the DNC for stacking the deck.

    You are a moron if you really think people that voted for Garry would have EVER voted for Hillary. Garry in many ways is more conservative than Hillary. Even during the primarries, the match up with Hillary vs trump showed them neck and neck or losing... against Bernie, he lost consistently.

    Minecraft is awesome, only on computers.



    Love that gif. That was the debate in a nutshell.

    The real question. Who cares?


    I be this asshat was recording his punch for WorldStar

    I thought it was Beedrill??? when did it become pikachu?

    Weddings are a waist of money. Would not do that to begin with. Save the money.

    If you truly love someone, you will let them go.