just days after Bill’s meeting with Loretta Lynch...
just days after Bill’s meeting with Loretta Lynch...
She called stupid the idea of waiting until marriage to have sex, something which utterly contradicts what I believe as a Christian, according to the Bible. Although I still liked L, it saddened me deeply to learn of her new viewpoints. Things hadn’t gotten much better in the years to come.
This is my most nostalgic. It was first game I beat and owned back in 1997. I was 7 or 8 at the time.
Want to leak the apk? =D
If you want a gun, you need a background check... They should also include a few sessions at a mental health facility to make it less likely that a crazy person ends up with a gun.
But we can still help the green party reach that 5% goal to get federal funding to start becoming a real national party.
It is not your place to tell anyone who to vote for or not to vote for.
I mostly stopped commenting on any of the political threads here/jezebel/Gawker because of the bile coming out of Hillary’s supporters. It did not matter if it was pro/con Hillary or pro/con Bernie. They were the majority of the ones making up the nasty, demeaning, and condescending comments.
Fine I want Hilary to apologies for all her sexist supporters who are misandrist and misogynist against anyone who does not support her.
And by him dropping out, how will that help other than make you feel better about yourself. Almost half of the democratic party voted for him and many of those will not just go over to Your candidate just because. True progressives (people probable way to the left of you also) do not like Hillary because she is to far…
So not only are they hard to see coming, but now we wont even hear them... Great, expect more accidents.
When ever I see an interview with Johnny Depp, he always seems medicated.
Like it or not. The first gen was the best.
This seems so obvious. Deadpool is just so fitting with Japanese manga and everything weird culture they have.
God this is so sad. My heart breaks for her and what she has gone through and is still going through.
My first laptop! also my first desktop. But the laptop lasted me about 8 years. Was not a pretty sight at the end of its life. Mine was from 2000 and has it until 2008. 32 gb of hard drive space. 512 mb of ram.
I just can’t figure out how the fuck people think Drumpf is an electable president. He is a glorified reality TV star.
I like Peanut Butter Crunch on occasion (~once a year) but Golden Grahams is where it is at.