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    Golf carts cant go 60mph. Not sure you would want to.

    Just because i got married doesn’t mean I am moving out of the basement.

    On the other point. If the USA starts to loose enough people like my self, taking our money and labor our of it, the US will suffer. It would hurt the economy more then you can imagine. Then you can have your little conservative utopia until you see it no longer works.

    First I have dual citizenship with mexico dumb ass. So before you open your mouth, don’t assume you know more then anyone you are replying to. And Canada is simple to get into. I have many family members living in Toronto. All I would have to do is go there, get a job and start filing papers to become a resident.

    I would return after.

    You instantly made me feel better after my mini-rant.

    Yes, but they have been getting incrementally worse.

    I am so tired of republican obstructionists, deception, Anti-science rhetoric. To think that there are so many in our country that buy into this ignorant BULLSHIT... It is shit like this that makes me ashamed to be from the USA.

    FFS! Why are we still on this?


    I think that is in part called getting old...

    Also - fuck Bernie. He was being such and adult and now he’s becoming a typical angry anxious dude who can not handle it when a smarter women keeps one-upping him.

    Jimmy Kimmel is wearing a belt buckle, a knifes greatest kryptonite

    He just made a mistake by responding to it. He is going to get a 100x more tweets asking him to “pimp my ride” from the trolls. Have fun reading your feed. xD

    Many peoples first thought here has been cartel. There is a chance that may be the case, but I doubt it. There has been increasing leaves of xenophobia over the past 10 year and in ever more precipitous levels in the past year and months. I would be more apt to say this is a hate crime committed by a white right wing

    First thing I thought was some white racist trump supporter.

    Even for standard surgeries , Mexico has great hospitals and surgeons. Prices can be better then the cost of paying for a hospital stay in the states. You are probably imagining mexico with a tin ceilings and dirt floors and you would be greatly mistaken.