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    Maybe it is just me and having a male perspective, but this seems to me like telling women to be assertive and to not be pressured into anything they don’t want to do.

    First game I ever played fully and beat. I was 7 at the time. Such great memories. thank god for emulators...

    I hope they throw the book at them and put the kids with a good responsible family.

    At this point, I am to the point of “Fuck it”. If Hillary wins the Nomination I am voting Green.

    Wait! I thought it was printed on the bottom of my shoe!

    Buddy Christ wants your vote!

    Don’t worry. Polls show Bernie up in most of the upcoming states.

    Could careless to read...

    Yup, just before you are caught with weed for the third time and get life in prison.

    You are naive If you think they are actually going to work with Hillary. She will have to compromise on her “ideals” just like Bernie is going to have to. At least we would not be starting in a centrist position before even talking with the republicans. If you think Hillary can, you have never paid attention to

    Wait! I thought it was to the ghost of Ronald Reagan.

    Only bad thing about it is if you start in the middle of the road, you still have to compromise to get it past the Republitards. So with Hillary’s $12, it may end up being $10 and for Bernie it may not be 15 but you can bet it will at-least be $12. You can’t start your position at an already compromised mindset, you

    Might take them up on that...

    So you are basically saying he is Donald Trump!

    Some one has been buying into his own BS.

    Two debates ago, she was more then willing to point this out. also the most memorable line by her was (I might be paraphrasing)

    It is not like he was almost 80 or anything like that. He probably had a good 40 years left.

    The fish died of natural causes.

    something I wish I could do to some of these crazy republican radio personalities.