Rusty Shackleford

I disagree with everyone telling you to not contact your victim. In high school, I was bullied to the point of being suicidal (graduated in 1990, for reference). I still have self-esteem issues from it, even though I am now a pretty well-functioning 42-year old.

I actually *was* contacted by my former bully a few years back. I really had a relatively easy childhood despite being desperately and loudly weird (which I still very much am), but there was one kid in particular who went out of his way to torment me. He contacted me through Facebook and apologized...and you know,

Isn't a dental hygienist a pretty decent position? They get paid a fair amount. Probably more than you.

...but isn't this the plot of every Jenny Jones Show episode ever?

Could we maybe not refer to her current attractiveness as a "transformation" from before? Isn't that the exact kind of rhetoric that somehow reinforces idea that the bully was right? How about this—she looked perfectly fine before, and she looks perfectly fine now, and only one of those versions of her happened to

Putting aside that there's worse things in life than being a hygienist. This has not been my experience. Some of the 'coolest' girls in my elementary school have gone onto prestigious universities, happy marriages, and successful careers. That trope needs to die. As does the one stating that if you're bullied in High

"The median annual wage for dental hygienists was $70,210 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $46,540, and the top 10 percent earned more than $96,280." - Bureau of Labor Statistics

No, you don't get it. She cleans her MOTHER'S teeth! What a homeless loser.

Hey, my mom's a dental hygienist. Fuck you.

Is there something wrong with being a dental hygienist?

Why are you putting down dental hygienists or whatever as being failures? WTH.

He says he's a different person, but he starts the note with a "you're not that hot I wasn't even asking you out" paragraph before saying all he can do is apologize, but not actually apologizing. This is after he asked out a woman he apparently remembered tormenting but decided to act like nothing had ever happened.

Yeknow, I always say this: Do you want to be judged based on who you were at 18/16/14? I know I don't. I was a raving conservative in high school. I'd be mortified if people thought that was still me.

Honestly? Self-respect. I've had a ton of shitty customers, but I'm better than them. That's why I don't spit in their food.

Thanks for the information. I hope this puppy helps.


For everyone that was subjected to that godawful shit, have a kitty. And don't worry, this one is adorable and still alive. I promise.

I would rather have Richard Simmons as a dad than this assclown for sure. I've never heard RS fat shame anyone.

Yes! Exactly. I'm tired; you articulated my issue better than I.

Yeah, this seems like a vengeful prank rather than anything that resembles discipline. He was laughing, she had no idea it was coming, and it has no connection to the behavior he found objectionable.

Whenever he talks about nutrition and weight, it doesn't seem like it's coming from a place of concern (like how Richard Simmons does) but from disgust. He strikes me as the kind of person who'd actually be pleased to learn that a fat person got diabetes or heart disease because he saw it as karma.