
Great article :) that website has its issues, but it also has some good content, as we everything, I just take the good and leave the rest :)

I was an early reader of Art of Manliness, and I read it side-by-side with Jez. At the time, apparently over a decade ago, it didn’t feel like the two were in conflict.

Just playing devil’s advocate here...

I was an early reader of Art of Manliness, and I read it side-by-side with Jez. At the time, apparently over a decade ago, it didn’t feel like the two were in conflict. I have to wonder if I was missing the point back then or what. It just felt like a place to get hipster-level tips on grooming and general skills (in

Agree. Disclaimer: no kids either, but I was once a kid.

Six Pack or Stroker Ace. Does that show my age?

No, the breeders are lining up to hate him lol

When Junior was little,  we gave him the choice of a kids meal or part of mine, since I always had leftovers.  It was a split, depending on what he wanted that night.  Once his appetite passed mine, he picked an adult meal for me to order on his behalf and he ordered the kids meal of my choice for me, just for the

We order off the kids menu for our son mainly for portion size. If he’s only going to take a few bites, might as well not spend $15 on a whole meal.

Lol. When we finally had the money to hire an electrician, get our service upgraded from 60 to 200 amps, and replace the daisy-chain of tiny, unlabeled fuse boxes with a proper circuit breaker, I was home from work when the electrician was doing his stuff in the basement. At one point, I heard him exclaim loudly in a

I know it’s shot and edited that way for (pause)... dramatic effect, but it’s really irritating when a renovator discovers an “oopsie” that should / would have been caught by any decent pre-close inspection:

Look, I think a lot of people mistake what a director does...including Wang.

Jon’s death is at the end of either book 4 or 5 (can’t remember which, it’s literally been a decade) but it’s pretty strongly implied that he’s going to (briefly?) warg into his wolf and then return to his body (Melissandre has a vision in the flames, though she’s confused by it). There hasn’t been any story published

I always figured it was because she appeared for like one or two paragraphs in one novel.

“... with Lang himself consulting as one of the executive producers.”

To be clear, I don’t at all disagree that representation of all marginalized voices needs to increase both in front of and behind the camera in the film industry, Asian voices included. I just found the contrast between those two statements in the article amusing.

I have a hunch they very specifically chose someone who did NOT have “an intimate understanding of Chinese culture + the impact of the Cultural Revolution on artists & intellectuals + the effects of Western imperialism” because someone with all that insight might well make something that’s a bit... critical... of

What are your thoughts on The Babu Frik All-Star Variety Hour?

lol, so true. That’s not even the major sin, though. This was on during the time when we were majorly renovating our home and because we were fuckassbroke, we had to do it all ourselves. Which meant learning. A lot. Not just how to do things, but I had to learn why they had to be done that way in order not to be

Where are those silos of popcorn kernels? Nowhere near the wild fires I hope.