
Right?! She looks the same now as she did on Lost and that was (checks Google)... 2005!

You know, it’s a great soundtrack, but I never got around to buying it. I had already listened to Freebird way too many times in my life (studio or live — “play it pretty for ATLANTA”).

Fellow member of the 76" club checking in. Yep, it sucks to get caught behind me at a concert, but it all evens out when we board that plane.

Same, except I use sugar.

Yep, my 30th would have been in 2018 but the area was still recovering from various hurricanes so no go, thank goodness.  (Hate to root for a hurricane, but here we are.)

Not defending Ex at all, I would have at least made an effort to introduce you, but as a guy I probably would have lost enthusiasm after about six to eight of these, and hoped that some sort of osmosis - or “herd immunity” - like effect would have taken over.

So what’s the red (purple?) vehicle in the back?

I guess what asshat doesn’t realize is that on a plane, no you don’t have a choice. Your choices are limited to (a) obey the pilot and crew, or (b) be escorted off the plane. And as every airline resource I have ever read has reminded me, it’s all there in the “Contract of Carriage.”  I have seen dipshits escorted off

I was thinking the same thing — a mask-required policy in effect, isn’t exactly moving my personal needle towards heading to the cineplex anytime soon.

I guess spending 1.8 billion to launch a bunch of clips was much more eye-opening than the 6 million to Reese. Percentage-wise that’s the same as spending $6 out of a budget of $1,800. It’s not nothing, but it’s close.

Gen-Xer here, so I’m quickly turning into an Old Person(tm), but:

I don’t want to pile on GRRM but I have to agree.

I have switched from my “local” HEB (<5 min away) to a newer one that’s about 15 - 20 min away. It’s, well, newer, with a better layout and much better selection of the prepared foods as well as staples. And people seem much more chill there. And I don’t mind the drive since it’s about the only “exercise” my vehicle

Agreed. I’ll give D&D credit, they did a pretty good job of adapting the books. On their own, with just a set of Cliffs Notes from GRRM? Not so much.

I’d absolutely love to read your impressions once you’ve finished it. I think a lot of us book readers (hello) and die-hard show watchers probably got way too caught up in our own expectations, theories, speculation, etc. and just forgot to watch it.

The infamous Dorne plot from S5(?) was my personal low point — even worse than S8. And in retrospect that may have been the canary in the coal mine.

I really enjoyed the behind-the-scenes doc that played a week after the finale. It made me feel bad for all of the cast and crew (especially the crew) who worked so hard on the show. (I seem to recall some guys basically raking the snow to make it look perfect.)

YES I completely forgot about that nickname!

That’s basically the only name my mom and our family called it.