She’s twenty-nine?!?
She’s twenty-nine?!?
Yeah! I traveled to France twice in a month when I was 5-6 mos pregnant. Not as far as Japan, but still ~8 hour flights. I felt the same way about being blobby and decidedly unfashionable in Paris, but everyone was very sweet.
The best take I’ve seen on this (performance I have not seen)
Oh my fucking god. You walked the dog and cleaned a litterbox.
Hot take!
Yours was the lamest story, if that helps. You drank some vodka in a dorm and then threw up!
THANK YOU. I scrolled way too long to find this very normal response.
Awesome that there’s another rape storyteller on a fun thread. Halloween anyone?
the pressure is probably similar to what David Remnick’s kid or Lebron Jame’s kids feels
100% agree on all of these. I just finished hiring someone and...
“It was 1985. See we had just moved to a small town in California from a different small town in Connecticut. My bedroom in my new house was about 30 sq ft bigger than my old bedroom. The bathroom was 10 paces from my bedroom and the carpet was orange. This matters, believe me.”
Hey friend! Let me tell you about Inbox When Ready! I’ve sold Inbox When Ready to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook and, by gum, it put them on the map! Well, sir, there’s nothin’ on Earth like a genuine bona-fide electrified six-car Inbox! What’d I say?
oh god the tryhardness on this thread
I’m just saying that kids understand and internalize a lot more than you’d think! My 6yo, for instance, already knows that fat = bad. I certainly didn’t teach her that. Girls get enough BE BEAUTIFUL thrown in their face; at least take the time to use your words to their advantage. Replacing “beautiful” with “cool” or…
Nothing to do with children with disabilities, but ugh sorry this drives me nuts. The kids you’re talking to and your 3-year-old don’t need to be told already that little girls are beautiful and boys are cool. It’s like those fucking GAP ads but in real life.
You’d think so!
Yes, I love that feeling! I think my problem with adulting and self-care is the performative aspect of it. I will absolutely preen and brag to my husband that I prepped the kids lunches for the week while doing laundry and finishing up an article I’m working on. But would I post on SM about how amazing I am?…