
I understood it

Since you seem to be willing to listen to new info, I invite you to consider this: if 10% of drivers switched to riding a motorcycle, traffic would be reduced 40%. (I think this was from a study done at UC Berkley, but I may be off). So that guy on the bike is doing his part to reduce traffic for you.

It is explicity legal in CA now, and illegal for a car to move so as to impede the motorcycles progress.

A V60 Polestar is arguably a better blue too :)

A Singer 911

Are the eggs used to make the cookie that crumbles?

The seat back is sagging towards the rear of the car. It leans back more on the right side of the seat than the left. I’ll look into IPD and FCP Euro.

Do you know where I can get a new one of these in blue? The right side of my driver’s seat is sagging towards the rear of the car.

I bought my current daily driver for less than one of his monthly payments...

This should be a tax for new cars. You want a new car you have to pay an impact tax for putting one more car on the road. Plus we all know new cars are heavier, which leads to increased impact on the roads.

Plus those people probably aren’t driving those cars that much, so impact is really less. This should really be a tax for new cars, like a gas guzzler tax. You want a new car you pay an impact tax for putting one more car on the road.

The internet demands it!

Someone should lock the doors and peel out. And film the reaction Jeff Gordon/Pepsi max style.

I think I’m ok with this...

it’s not “lifestyle” it’s #lifestyle

No comment section? What else is there? Half the time I just want to see what people are saying about the article. I’ll open it up and scroll right down.

oh wow, thank you for helping me realize I need one of those

Same, I’m guessing those people telling us we were wrong are the ones with 20 TDIs now.

I agree, but I find it ironic that you say there’s “no bus,” when this guy hit a bus.

The idea that your car would not warm up before you get in is antiquated. The Model 3 will undoubtedly have a “remote start” either from the key or an app and the whole car will be warm before you get in. It may be 10 below 0 outside, but it’ll be 80 degrees inside the car before you step out your front door.