
Personally I’m a fan of “breathed on,” so sensual

9/11 was in 2001, 16 years ago this September. Which furthers your point that it was a different time. But you will undoubtedly catch flack for being an ignorant Trump supporter who doesn’t even know when 9/11 was...

This comment is COTD

You mention cool 4x4's are convertibles, but this isn’t even a 4x4 F-150...

“is far more routine than usual”

My mother actually let me try this in her car when I was learning to drive. It was a manual. I asked what would happen and she didn’t know the answer so she said try it. And that’s when I learned what grinding the gears at high speed sounds like.

No, I was not. Also, why did you ask me?

That Saturn limo

BOOM, you just got schooled!

BOOM, you just got schooled!

I would imagine whoever buys it will know how to do it with a shell company, bankrupt that company, sell it to another shell company for pennies on the dollar, bankrupt that one, then finally sell it to themselves for even less.

Like the freaking woman behind me this morning. I became a distracted driver watching her alternate between yawning and burying her face in her phone.

If Josh is the owner of RightFootDown, then why is he putting his left foot down?

He said spouse, not fiance...

Whatsamatter? Just get one of these on craigslist

It’s okay they’ll get bailed out. It’s America remember? Government of the people, by the people corporations, for the people corporations

So we save billions of dollars at the pump, lets say that works out to hundreds of dollars per person, but then we have to pay thousands of dollars because the cost of the new car went up because of the new tech and thousands of dollars because when that shit breaks it’s expensive to fix. And insurance is more

Read the article and looked like everything was on the up and up until I saw the USPS cartons in the video. Seems like those would be property of the US government and his personal use of them would be illegal. Also why not just carry those cartons in and leave them instead of the wheelbarrows? Since the pennies were

The speed limit is for when conditions are perfect. It’s supposed to be adjusted downward for adverse conditions. How much? I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure you could get a speeding ticket for going 40 in a 45 in heavy fog or heavy snow because it’s unsafe.

Thank you for spreading the LFTR knowledge. The more people that know the more chance it has.