
I flew from Colorado to Costa Rica to buy a Series IIa Land Rover. I had a new job starting in a week and they pushed the start date back by a week or two so I said screw it and bought a flight with no other plans. I’d been doing global craigslist searches for probably a year prior somewhat regularly so I knew there

You’re right both times. 3rd gen is 1996-2002, last year of the manual option was 1997. I’ve had a few 4runners.

Seriously. You deserve more stars. I just posted the same thing. At least I’m not the only one paying attention.

No, because then your kid grows up liking VWs, and now you’ve sentenced them to a life of suffering and CELs. No one should wish that upon their child.

What? No one’s suggesting the Z3? I thought that was the new answer from now on....

These guys are trolling us! Don’t play their game!

More people need to know about thorium, keep it up!

Sure is dusty in here, think I got something in my eyes

1953 Dodge Pilothouse pickup

What body?

Ah ok thanks, I feel better now

Anyone else annoyed that the 720S doesn’t match the 710hp? Couldn’t have just made it 720hp? Or called it the 710S?

People that are retired should have plenty of time for a quick visit to the DMV every couple of years. How about if you’re retired you have to retest every couple years?  Over 65 you have to start submitting proof of emplyment. You could get a waiver from the doctor if you prefer the doctor’s office over the DMV. Plus

goddamnit why do I want one of these so bad?

No one drives sedans though, they all drive crossovers now. Should be fine...

My whole family had matching t-shirts with basically that same squiggly in the 90's

Man I wish we could get Land Cruisers like that one in the States

Oh yeah? Kill people often when driving the Scout around?

The tow eyes will be directly in line with the car’s cg as soon as it’s dangling off the ground. I can’t guarantee the car will remain in an upright orientation though ;)

Please do an oppo post to let us know how this Jalop romance unfolds :)