The Question

God, how are you always such a bag of stupid,misinformed,misformed,(heh) assholish dicks? Why are you like this?

That’s disrespectful to the dead you go to hell when you die

Iwonder why they didn't cover kamala's answer to this question which is basically having a job makes you bulletproof which if true would explain why cops just shoot everybody on sight.

Spoiler: a large number of shitlibs would rather lose to Trump than win with a real lefty because it challenges their established positions in the party.

Harlan county numbnuts. 

Your generation also let Reagan in the office and ruined everything good about America so I'd shut the fuck up

I mean the very worst part of me wants the browns to win the division and at least one playoff game so we can see if Cleveland fans get really shity over some minor football Glory again

Now that I think about it this is the most grievous oversight on the list.

They voted to give more money to the people putting kids in cages based on private assurances from a terrible person. either they’re part of the problem because they’re bought or they’re part of the problem because they’re stupid in either case we can do better

cursing in british does not alone clever make

You could just tell your kids to stop sucking. or use it as a motivational tool hey look if you start being good and winning you get to enjoy playing the game. 

You’re right it’s much better when they don’t tell us their bias at all and just slant stories a certain way. That's much better.

I don’t no the Republicans are allowed to be frothing morons and psychopathicly racist all day every day and yet they apparently get everything they want all the f****** time.

Like the single best thing is playing trotskyite Mexico

Heywhen all you do is suck that Centrist establishment dick all day you’re the max contrarian on a page where that’s not the norm.

You’reright if Bernie really was for the people he would have rented his list out to the National committee and pocketed that cash like a good capitalist right

Bernie is literally the Senate Democrats chair of outreach and prominently featured on their website.

ListenI know it is fun to s*** on the splinter crew for riding things that are less than sucking Democrats Dix but maybe you could realize when they point out that there were flaws in these candidates but maybe there are f****** flaws with this ever rightward drift the Centrists do.

I don’t where you’re getting your information but my 1dvd Netflix is 20, Hulu is another ten, and prime is 120 for the year, so another 10 a month. they’re going to put everything good in its own silo and you’re going to end up shelling out more money for less content.

If she can't vote no on the anti-abortion sexual assault guy then what the hell good is she