
I think it could have been resolved with a throwaway line about it just being a cargo ship or something that had no combat capabilities and would only really be useful for taking aliens away. But then again, Cadmus' funding and the extent of its power and influence is kind of nebulous.

It really made me sense. If you want to collect Intel, you actually sit and listen. Jumping out once he heard his name mention just ruined everything. He's an idiot.

I think it works in that deportation obviously has more real world relevance than genocide, and I think the scene between Kara and Alex is one of the best scenes on the show, but I think the idea that Lillian would be swayed to switch to that plan by Jeremiah just didn't really seem to work.

I do think it seemed odd that they would use this space ship just to deport aliens. I'd imagine it would be a huge resource for Cadmus to use for a plan that Lena didn't even like, since she wanted to just kill them.

I know I harp on it a lot, but when so much of the show is about murder and who is committing it and why, you lose and right to make certain murders seem evil when a character who gets written as lovable and goofy committed cold blooded murder.

Yeah, I can understand why the writers did it, but it really should have been done in a different way. At least Frank and Bonnie are shown to be damaged and broken people, but Asher seems to see himself as the normal one in the group and the show seems to agree on that.

Yeah, I think it was the worst thing the show ever did. I can understand that they needed to bring him into the fold but they did it in the worst possible way. Make the death accidental or something, but making him actually choose to murder someone is such a step beyond anything the other characters have done. Yeah,

I bet it will involve some dealings with the Mahoneys and her father where Wes was either a threat or it was an exchange of favors. And it will be endlessly convoluted.

I still find it weird that a show that tries to examine various social justice issues has a white straight guy who murdered a woman in cold blood and let a girl get raped be treated as the lovable goof. How is he so vastly different from the blogger that Annalise smacked?

To me it didn't really work because it felt very heavy handed and the cuts to the group becoming more intense matching the intensity of Connor's emotions just made it seem like a weird way to convey that to the audience. It's like the show had to hold off on showing exactly why he felt so guilty, so they just

That's why I don't like the slower episodes. The characters, to me, don't make much sense together and deciding to fully embrace Laurel as the grieving window just makes the character hard to watch

Laurel being this emotional mess who lashes out at people and generally just does whatever age wants REALLY doesn't feel earned.

On IMDB it says she was nominated at the 2013 Emmys.

It's not the high camp soap opera it used to be. So many of characters have become morally ambiguous to where no one is actually compelling, OPA consists of 3 characters who are essentially the same, and Mellie and Cyrus are now tragic figures.

Even the actual show runner of HTGAWM doesn't devote enough time to actually planning out his show. Most of the reveals just happen as he writes himself into a corner.

I do feel like Fitz is unfairly maligned. I mean, his dad raped his wife and it was used to emotionally manipulate him to pursue a presidency that he didn't actually win, meanwhile his wife drew away from him and he began an affair that was kinda sorta OK with Mellie but sometimes the writers decide it wasn't. His son

I can enjoy hate watching it, but it's so hard to just go along with the ride because the show kinda flips around on who is supposed to be sympathetic and who isn't. It's like the writers just don't remember their own show.

I have that problem with a lot of romances on TV. Usually it always feels like you can just see the writers trying to make something happen, so I have a hard time being invested because I feel like I see the gears grinding. How To Get Away With Murder is currently suffering from expecting us to be invested in a

I think it makes sense for a lot of people to talk a big talk about approving and wanting someone to be happy, but it's still going to be difficult once Alex is going to be choosing Maggie over Kara. I think it was handled well in that no one was really treated as being disrespectful or unreasonable. It was just the

I legit want a Mafia/Werewolf style board/card game based on this episode.