
My problem was that the since he was only really introduced this season, there's not real emotion in his death. He was supposed to be the man behind the curtain and behind the entire conspiracy the show built itself around and it just felt hollow. The whole Neolution issue was resolved too easily considering how every

I felt like the show eventually dropped the ball in regards to the overarching mystery and conspiracy behind cloning. PT never felt like the true final villain in the story and Neolution seemed to get wiped out pretty easily from stuff that largely occurred off screen.

Eh, it makes sense. Given that it's such a sprawling conspiracy, it makes sense that there would be media manipulation.

I can understand the trickle down affect of Pat and Buffalo Bill into mainstream media and I'm sure the characters were latched onto as representing tran and/or non binary people. But I don't necessarily think the characters themselves as THAT problematic. Buffalo Bill is stated as not being Trans and more sees

I think the reveal that he's a fraud really undermines the finality that he presented when first revealed as a character. The show has always had a problem with essentially rebooting every season with a new villain who was the man behind the man the whole time. It never really feels like any progress is made because

That, to me, seemed like such a bizarre choice. I can't imagine it really paying off beyond maybe causing Alison to get more involved in the main plot as opposed to being stuck in her suburban sitcom. But her transformation seemingly happened so fast when her leaving never really carried much weight. It feels more

I don't know, I think it takes SOMETHING (Maybe not talent) to write a season where the presidency changes hands 3 times in one season and still try to present yourself as prestige television.

I think that her performance helped the character become such a cultural meme. It was a solid performance as someone a lot of people can relate to. She wasn't mind blowing, but Barb was a character I wanted to see more of.

I was assuming it would have been the child of either Susan or Coady with PT. But why are we getting new mysteries that need answering this late in the game?

I do feel like Helena was a bit too easily forgiven, considering she killed at least one clone Alison and Cosima had as an ally. At this point, it's not a big deal, but at the time it felt like a hasty acceptance into the group.

That's how I feel like the whole show is. I think the cast makes the show a lot of fun but it doesn't really build much narrative momentum. It feels arbitrary as opposed to a logical extension of these characters. Cosima being sick and finding a cure seem to be the way the show keeps the clones still in the game but

Something similar happened on Grace and Frankie. She's a regular on the show and he had a small role as a hotel clerk. It was a little weird.

I love the cast, but good lord is it becoming more obvious that the show is spinning its narrative wheels.

I'm not sure. I think the Valentina we saw on Drag Race was a star, where she had a stronger control over her narrative. In the context of the reunion where she was less in control and forced to interact more with the Queens vs talking to the camera it became more apparent how much of her is seemingly a mask and I

It's entirely possible for her to talk about and present her culture all in a way that still supports this effort of hers to be a star. If she speaks to you and you identify with her, that's great. Both things can exist at the same time. Her culture and image is part of her brand and what she's selling, and while it

I will never understand the choice Ginger and Kennedy made for their final speeches.

To me, that's the problem with all the scripted challenges, because while some of the Queens can do well with those challenges, they don't always nail the runway. So, you end up with a sharp divide in Queens who do well in the challenges vs the runway. I think that had they put in more design challenges, Violet would

That's what I think should be done. That creates more potential for drama if the Queen the winner picked survives the lip sync.

I think S3 had the best mix of design and performing challenges. I mean, they had 2 Ball challenges in row, they had the Christmas couture challenge, and the cake challenge along with stand up, lip syncing your own track, and a movie trailer challenge which gave us a really well rounded top 3 who collectively won 9

I feel the same. I enjoy the characters and their interactions, but the plot just never seems to really go anywhere and there's too many finales where we find out that the villain wasn't the true villain and that's there's more to the whole conspiracy than originally believed. It's full of great moments and great