
It does sort of seem like Ru and Michelle will offer one critique during the challenge and when the queen explains their thought process they just make a face, say "OK" and that's it. It's weird that they don't seem to offer them any sort of guidance.

I feel like this season did at least offer less scripted challenges, which was really the reason I think S7 was so bad.

To me it felt like so much of the time w the Queens was cut short. Usually it was just a montage of the Queens preparing for their challenge, doing the challenge, and then talking about some kind of social issue while getting ready for the runway. And with Untucked deciding to give the exiting queen 1/2 of the show,

I think Rupaul operates a lot under that kind of thinking, that way it presents the option of a runway breakthrough and Rupaul can then toss out some platitudes and then we'll get a speech about your inner saboteur. I think a lot of Nina's arc was built with that in mind, but a reality show won't fix legitimate mental

That's my issue with Nina. I can understand where she's coming from, but just because I understand and sympathize that doesn't mean I want to watch her issues play out on TV.

Yeah, it's so goddamn dumb. The fact that this season featured Olivia putting out a hit on her father only for her to threaten Fitz with losing her forever if he puts him in prison a few episodes later is astounding.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

-This is the best episode of Scandal in a while.

I think Huck stole all their funds.

I think that even if you take out her attempt to wrap up the segment, she still sucked. By choosing to take that responsibility, she made herself stand out in such a poor way. If she wanted to jump in and save her team, she needed to do so in a way that earned points with the judges as opposed to capping off an

While I did think it wasn't great, I can understand being frustrated with someone willingly and knowingly going into a stressful situation and then talking so much about their anxiety.

The plot to get Erik to give up his Idol is one of the best things I've ever seen on television. I thought they were obviously stretching to add tension but MY GOD

I think if be worked more at his social game, it would be seen as a greater advantage to have someone in your Alliance win immunity, preventing an opposing player from getting it. But instead he just seems to not work on his relationships and presenting his physical abilities as a selling point to his allies.

Because it's a heritage you're actually part of, you're equating nationality and heritage/race. If you have a family history, you're allowed to own that history. You're not taking the history of slavery, rape, and murder in this country and saying you're part of the oppressed as opposed to being a part of the

I don't think a lot of your argument makes sense. You can be of Italian descent and identify as Italian without having been to Italy. And someone who is biracial identifying as black isn't somehow living as a transracial person.

If she wanted to really turn things around, she could have put a much better bow at the end of interview. I think that if she really had been able to wrap things up in a friendly, professional way she might have been able to save herself.

I can understand that, but she came off as more panicked as opposed to seamlessly taking the reins and ending it. Plus, I don't think that attempt was enough to save her poor segment and interview performances.

To be fair, Cyrus had been married to a woman before.

This episode kinda highlights my concerns about the show. I know Ryan Murphy claims to have had a connection with Bette Davis late in her life, so I feel like there's a pull between portraying Davis in a more favorable light while giving a lot of screen time with dramatic meaty scenes to Lange, who he obviously loves.

To me, that's one of the weirdest choices the show has made. To take Mellie from a scheming political creature and make her a victim of rape and being trapped in a historical, sexist position where a wife must be a hostess. People seem to ignore that age used her rape to blackmail her rapist into emotionally