
The show seems to think that making Olivia more like her father is a good idea. The whole point in the beginning was that she was able to walk away from the Oval and that she was the only one who rigged the election for Fitz. So, I don't understand why they're pushing this idea that she's tasted power and wants more

I don't think I've seen a show runner stick to something that so obviously changed the tone and quality of a show like Shonda has stuck with B613. I remember reading that she loved Alias, but I don't understand why she felt the need to twist a political soap into a spy thriller.

The problem with Scandal is that the characters have become so morally ambiguous and the writers alternate on who is supposed to be a monster while also lacking any sort of awareness of its own history.

I first heard "abobo" on Weeds.

I really feel like these episodes are just dragging. I don't find the acting or characterization to be as strong as others do, so these episodes are really a slog to get through, especially with the show seemingly buying into Wes and Laurel as some great love story. I kinda miss the Cases of The Week because it

What I meant was that they throw these murders together to force the characters to feel like they're stuck together because there's this threat that they're all somehow be found out.

It would have worked if the show hasn't followed such similar patterns by now. You can start to feel the narrative gears grinding to force the main characters together.

But Frank isn't treated as Asher is, Frank is depicted as being dark, troubled, and broken. Asher took his frustrations out on a woman who didn't know his dad would kill himself and he's still treated as a big goof who regards himself as the normal one. The plot twists made it obvious that Asher turning on his dad

I understand they needed to bring Asher in, but they could have made the murder accidental or anything like that to make it less cold blooded. It's so bizarre to have a show that tries to address social justice issues that has a guy like Asher being treated as the lovable comic relief. The guy Annalise slapped was

I like ridiculous when it's dumb, fast, and entertaining.

Plus, Asher is the only main character who actually killed someone out of pettiness. Frank killed to avenge Bonnie and to prevent Annalise from finding out what he did. And Bonnie killed to protect Annalise. Asher ran a woman over because she said something he didn't like.

Yeah, I remember reviews saying how the show tackles the concept of racism and privilege, but Asher being on the show ruins it. At least the other characters were accessories, but it felt like it was out of necessity to save themselves. Asher literally ran a woman over because she insulted his dad. But Connor,

I think that Viola does a lot with little on this show. So while she's amazing, it's just not interesting to see her look miserable while surrounded by shallow prison cliche characters.

I feel like this show is really stalling because I don't find any urgency in the storyline. I don't really see why they need to get Annalise out or why I should even care if she does. They talk about how they would all go down, but Wes was the one death they weren't involved in.

And the way they resolved a major cliffhanger in their relationship storyline was incredibly stupid. HTGAWM is really best when it's stupid and twisty. Everything else it tries to do usually fails because so much of the show is flawed.

I think he really undercuts a lot of the effort the show puts in to addressing racial issues because we're supposed to be invested in a straight white guy from a wealthy family who murdered a woman because she said something he didn't like.

I think Bellamy Young is amazing but Scandal suffers the most from Shonda Rhimes indulging. And turning Mellie into an obvious Hillary expy seemed like such a bizarre choice considering she went from First Lady to Senator to Presidential Nominee seemingly over such a short time.

I always have trouble with the quieter episodes of HTGAWM because I still regard the show as trashy fun. When the show slows down like this, I'm always reminded how these characters are essentially forced together because of plot contrivance and their general vibe as a group varies by the episode.

I don't know if Katsuji would be Phi Phi because she tried so hard to redeem herself. Katsuji is more like Alyssa in that he's seemingly leaning in to his persona, which is being an obnoxious shit stirrer, like how Alyssa became the So Bad It's Good of Drag.

Top Chef might be the only reality show I've seen where a saved/returning contestant actually won. I don't think a Tim Gunn Save ever won Project Runway, and only 2 of the 5 queens to return on Drag Race was able to not get eliminated immediately after being brought back (But they went home two episodes later)