
I was curious if he's a person Dracula has possessed or something since he appeared to Vanessa as The Orderly in some sort of time freeze vision. If he's supposed to be physical while Satan is spiritual, how could he do that?

I think the Lily/Frankenstein dynamic is getting more interesting, and I hope that his goal is more informed now that he sees what Lily is doing. The whole "I want her to become sweet and docile again" thing is creepy, but seeing her taking and twisting prostitutes into a murderous man hating cult made it easier to

I thought he just quit his job and moved.

Considering that S1 worked on Supergirl stepping out of her cousin's shadow, it seems weird to actually cast him and make him a presence on the show.

I think Tatiana has credited most of her performance to her, because she has to give Tatiana someone to play off of and give it her all just as much as she does.

Tony's make up and hair was just so bad.

I think Tatiana studied dance and she chooses a style of dance and listens to play lists that she makes for each clone in order to get into character.

I remember seeing a cast photo shortly after binging on S1 and thinking "Wait, it's just Sarah, Felix, and Paul" before realizing that pretty much was the main cast in S1.

I think Brona is interesting because she seems to have changed to having a small level of fondness for Victor, probably because she's seemingly grateful for the new life that she has.

I kinda hope this show goes on for a while and they just attract these great, underrated actors to get into period drag and just ACT.

Him planning a Christmas party, like the Dinner Party episode of Frasier, would be amazing.

Yeah, in a way they've done a great job of making Victor's arrogance seem less forced and more subtle in how it develops.

On the speculation on Dracula as the good guy, I think his plan is to overtake the world in darkness and rule it with Vanessa.

I think it's sad, because before he started making horrible movies, he was a director with such a unique visual style that was recognizable to the general public which seems pretty rare.

I think I've read that he had a fascination with young girls but he never actually did anything about it, and a parent was always around.

I never actually saw Avatar, but I don't think I've ever seen something be such a phenomenon and then disappear so fast from the public consciousness.

I think a lot of plans like that are made as they go along, based on the Intel of the people working them so that by the time the big moves happen they know enough to play into the personality of the people they're working.

I think Hannibal was his first show to last 3 seasons, poor guy.

I know the showrunner said Viola Davis had a big hand in developing the character and you can really tell because the writing for Annalise is essentially a non character.

Goddammit, what a great episode.