
She does an amazing job of giving the show an emotional weight that could have easily been lost with how hokey and cheesy the writing can be.

I thought Danny was gay this whole time.

I've only read the first book and I honestly didn't think it was good. Quentin was such an uninteresting character.

The problem I have with How To Get Away With Murder is that it doesn't really flesh out why people stick with Annalise.

I think it's because the show is more dramatic than CYE, and I really don't find Lena Dunham to be a particularly talented actress so I don't get much sense of the character beyond her being an asshole.

Especially when she's talking about how they take bullets for him, ignoring that FITZ WAS SHOT IN THE HEAD because they rigged an election behind his back.

I know, but he'd be exposed as unknowingly being a part of it.

I think when you're trying to balance a serialized story with cases of the week, you really need to put more effort into making the cases more interesting. How To Get Away With Murder tends to suffer from the same problem, where the cases usually just involve two lawyers yelling at each other in front of a silent

Shonda has 3 shows now where hacking is pressing a fee keys and suddenly a minor plot obstacle is removed.

I'm pretty sure the writers have the same problem. I sometimes think "Do they know what's happened on this show?"

He wasn't going to sell Olivia. It was Olivia's idea to sell herself.

I don't think it's necessarily something to do with unlikablity and more to do with a character going off the rails to where they're actually unpleasant to watch. Interesting characters played by good actors being mishandled is different from not being likable.

That was the weirdest thing.

Well, to be fair, Fitz killed the person who had him shot in the head and killed someone in his administration and was then going to expose him, Mellie, Olivia, and Cyrus as having rigged an election.

I think the problem people have is that they've been acting like Olivia has been toeing the line of the Dark Side and they give a guy who had her kidnapped give a lengthy monologue insulting her. They made him cartoonishly evil to make Olivia killing him seem understandable.

I think there's this weird thing where the show is backtracking and removing the agency of a lot of female characters by reframing past choices and turning them into mindless soldiers trying to please a man by making him president.

Olivia's speech about Fitz finally taking responsibility the actions that others have done to keep him in the White House is probably one of the worst moments of the show.

Plus, the storyline she's involved in had the foundation built throughout season 1. It doesn't really feel too out of left field.

The Four Horsemen getting screwed over was pretty awesome. I forget which season that was, Earl would won it.

It's used in law schools, I think. I've read that it's seen as a very realistic courtroom movie.