
Clearly this car delivery guy has a day job and just delivers cars on the side.

That’s not an unpopular opinion, just a stupid one.

I think you’re underestimating the difficulty in making a modern automobile. You work for Tesla by chance?

Are you kidding?

And if you’re not trained, and if you have a criminal disposition, a violent disposition, it can be turned into a killing machine.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Car fuel can break concrete beams!


As gizmodo now seem intent in hijacking their own articles, let me hijack the comment thread here and ask WTF is up with all these auto-playin videos that are injected into the articles and have nothing to do with what I’m reading? FFS “the best gaming controller for PC” video has zero to do with interstellar

I played volleyball year-round from the age of 10, went to college on a volleyball scholarship, and coached a high school team to two state championships, a club team to a #4 national ranking, and coached the game at the college level. I’ve seen this sort of move be successful maybe three times. You are wrong. This

The speed is still 5mph, indeed. The velocity, however, may be -5 mph if reverse sends the vehicle traveling towards what your coordinate system considers the negative axis (x, y, z, or whatever you feel like labeling it).

And when I say “when the velocity is closest to zero” I’m referring to instantaneous velocity—again, a clarification for that annoying, but lovable enginerd.

The photographer deserves a nod. Exquisite pics.

Something something Corvette owners and limp mode something something...

Here is an idea: Reduce the amount of scripting is the show, so you wont have to rewrite them. GT was waaay over the top with the scripting, a lot of scenes were so scripted that they were cringe worthy.

Go fuck yourself

This is how I am going to picture all the Jalop staff from now on. Those aren’t your cars, those are you guys.

I say this, with all sincerity, that you’ve added nothing to the conversation.