
Do Not Masturbate While Seated

Dubai doesn’t have backcountry woods....

This man is a hero. All Lamborghinis should be subversive and awesome!

Oh look, Ladies and Gents. It's That Guy!

Who the fuck cares what anyone drives when they’ve lost a close friend?

Oh shut the hell up. You’ve probably never served. While I personally like President Obama, whenever we salute a senior officer or superior it is a mark of respect for the office. I didn’t like Bush, but I saluted him because I respect the office, even though the man did stuff I didn’t like. Any service-member who

Yeah, must be horrible to have a POTUS that doesnt send you and your buddies to war on a whim, right?

A Sea King for $14,000? Fuck Yeah!

You are so wrong.

There’s a joke here somewhere.

the more I watch this, the harder I find it to disagree

What a poor choice of venue for sounding your trumpet.

2009 called. it said shut the fuck up.

I found her CDL Instructor.....

Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.

Sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Flip side to that coin. My father, who was the biggest Star Wars fan I’ve ever known, passed away last summer. I’ll be buying him a ticket and saving a seat for him at my local theater.

What's more, according to the mayor of an Ushuaia suburb who was allowed to search the car, a TD Bank pen was found in the glovebox. Clearly, the only reasonable interpretation is that Clarkson was trying to make fun of Argentina for defaulting on its national debt.