
@scsean: I'm sure it's a gearing thing. Never mind that top speed is a product of horsepower and drag, not weight or anything else. I mean, F1 cars barely make it over 200mph on race day on many tracks, yet are capable of much more. But that's irrelevant to going fastest around a certain track, which is what they are

@FightingChance: Steel lines are definitely lighter, but I'm sure were installed more for fade resistance.

@ghengis65: Touche. The 1-series looks like a Hyundai, and is probably more dollars-per-pound than a Rolls.

@MadMikeBeliso: Au contraire, you need your pulse checked if you don't think that thing is dead sexy looking. I've never in my life ever considered watching an Indy race even if my plans for the day were caught between toenail clipping and lint-rolling the dog. This car, however, would single handedly glue me to the

@AmishJohn: Actually, as a Berkeley resident, I can say we don't have a 1/10th the Priuses of Santa Cruz. I've lost my mom's Prius in several parking lots down there. The problem is beater 1982 Priuses don't exist.

So easy. 1988 Integra LS. My first car, and after 6 years of nothing but oil and brakes, still my car, waiting faithfully outside. It has been over ice and closed-road snow pack. It's survived hydro-planing spinouts on the freeway, and rear-enders from pickup-trucks. It's put up with two break-ins, a Halloween pumpkin

That actually looks damn good. I'm no SUV fan, and certainly not a Dodge one, but it looks like they finally matured the "cross grille" and made it work.

I'm not getting why he would change the color of the Ferrari team, the red looks so much more striking and beautiful.

@evoCS-Hench-Minion to the stars: Wow. No better example of death by committee. Looking at that, I honestly think its the corporate grill treatment they stuck on that ruined it more than anything. Just like it ruins every other Nissan it's on. I don't get if Toyota can actually produce the FJ, why they couldn't just

I, actually, think as far as spaceships go this is pretty sweet. Would i be embarrassed to drive it? Yes. Do I secretly want to get in it and make blaster noises? Yes...

Look long and hard, gentlemen. I take posts like these a little more seriously these days with what's happening to the future of cars. This may be one of the last pure-at-heart, race-inspired, gas-eating, fire-breathing animals on wheels as God intented. I haven't watched a video on here that actually tingled my spine

I don't get how the arguments on this are Scepticist: "Man's not responsible for global warming!" and Environmentalist: "It's the car!" What the hell? Why are these the only two options? Whether you believe in global warming or not, there are actual facts out there about how much we humans contribute to greenhouse

@alextsmith: When I was 13 there was only one thing I used a computer for, and it was none of those things.

I don't know but considering we have an existing airline infrastructure, however inferior, I'd much rather be able to commute to work or any other neighborhood by subway or light rail in nightmare areas such as the SF Bay or LA. I feel like for the dollar, they're much more effective investments both for me and the

Just as long as it has the same big square orange running lights on the inside of big square headlights and we're good. See, the new caprice hasn't maintained the big rectangular headlights and this concerns me. #policecars

Finally it looks like some Carrera GT styling has trickled down. I think this is the first porsche that front to back actually tickles my no-no place. #porscheboxster

@CJinSD: Whatever, F1 is the one now with the wrong engine, Toyota's only invoking the power of The Secret, bro. #toyotaft86